
战胜饥饿,战胜病毒 – 华盟在行动

[撰稿和图片提供: 华盟义工] 奥斯汀华裔联盟 (ACAN) 在疫情严重的时候, 看到了社区弱势群体的需要。很多平时由各公益组织帮助的弱势群体, 由于疫情对社区的影响, 而缺少了一些最基本的物资 - 每日果腹的餐食。据 EMS and Camp Abbot 的义工们说,那里的几百个无家可归者, 平时大部分时候只能吃军队用的压缩食品。那些市民在疫情期间没有可以避难的地方,如果没有人给予他们食物,他们就会在我们后院里饿死,使本就严峻的形势更加悲剧。他们是我们的弟兄姐妹,我们不能置之不顾。华盟决定挑起这个重担,服务社区,从提供一顿顿饭做起!

ACAN In Action – COVID-19 Relief Effort April 1, 2020

Serious Work on April Fool’s Day Today we set out to help LifeWorks Austin whose young residents are experiencing medical, emotional and economic vulnerability as a result of #Covid-19. 3 ACAN volunteers, partnering with a local Chinese restaurant House of Three Gorges (http://www.houseofthreegorgestx.com/, 三峡人家), delivered 40 freshly made Chicken Fried Rice meals and >40 homemade…

ACAN In Action – COVID-19 Relief Effort March 29, 2020

Defeat the Hunger, Defeat the Virus Camp Abbott, by 183 and Montopolis, is now a small tent city on a 5-acre tract housing about 200 homeless people. Managed by Texas Department of Public Safety and ATX HELPS, people here are experiencing significantly more hardships due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The coronavirus has not only brought…

ACAN In Action – COVID-19 Relief Effort March 25, 2020

KIND AND GENEROUS – Part II Covid-19 is hitting all of us really hard, but it is hitting the underprivileged groups in Austin Metro many times worse. Providing daily meals to the homeless shelters housing >2000 people throughout the City has become an urgent need. Answering desperate calls from agencies and community groups, ACAN and…

ACAN In Action – Covid-19 Relief Effort March 20, 2020

Harvard President Lawrence S. Bacow offered these words to his students as they vacated campus last week: “…COVID-19 will test our capacities to be kind and generous, and to see beyond ourselves and our own interests, … May we all proceed with wisdom and grace.” Those are powerful words, and here is an example of…

华盟参加Lake Travis 年度清理活动

报道:海舟摄影:华盟义工 2019年9月15日星期日早晨,华盟的30名义工参加了一年一度的Lake Travis清理活动。这次我们集中负责了Lake Travis北岸Kansas Bend公园及沿湖的清理。义工们顶着烈日在这个安静的公园清理出了包括巨大泡沫塑料在内的许多垃圾,大家颇有成就感。这样的活动,既有户外活动,又做了公益,更帮助大家提高环保意识热爱周围环境,非常适合全家老少一起参加。这次华盟团队还受到活动组织者的特别关注。 欢迎更多华人参与这类活动!关于未来的更多义工和活动机会,请关注奥斯汀华人联盟网站及脸书网页: ACAN Web Site: http://www.austinchineseamericannetwork.org/ ACAN Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pg/AustinChineseAmerican/  

又见巍山 – 2019巍山夏令营纪实之一

2019年6月 报道:顾海舟 Summer In Weishan (SIW) 是一个由奥斯汀地区中学生组成的支教夏令营,营员们会来到中国云南巍山彝族回族自治县的巍山一中及周围中小学,教那里的学生们英文并和他们进行文化交流,为期两周。巍山位于云南西部,距大理正南约60公里,中缅边界以东约350公里,是一个风景旖旎但交通闭塞的山区,自治县内有彝族、回族等少数民族,民风古朴、多彩。


4/13 华盟志愿者Food Bank活动

报道:海舟 摄影:华盟义工 2019年4月13日,奥斯汀华裔联盟ACAN的60多位志愿者在理事刘炜和CJ的带领下,又一次来到德州食物仓库Central Texas Food Bank,进行义务劳动。这次参加的志愿者最小只有八岁,大多数是初、高中学生。经过近三个小时的紧张劳动,大家清理了数百箱罐头食品。堆成山的罐头被迅速清理分装到了纸箱里整齐打包装箱,像变魔术一样被大家清理干净。

Volunteering for ACCF 2019

BY Xinmiao On February 16th, ACAN hosted the Austin Chinese Culture Festival – ACCF. The festival attracted thousands of attendees and the community at large has been abuzz about it since. What is the secret of this relatively young organization’s success in organizing an event of such a scale? It is the volunteers!


《辛勤义工是英雄》 -奥斯汀华盟2019中华文化节-义工侧记

[撰稿 新苗;摄影 华盟义工] 从2月16日开始在奥村见到华人朋友难得会不提起ACCF(奥斯汀中国文化节),可见一斑它的影响力。 下午的文化活动和晚上的艺术表演吸引了那众多的游客。大厅里人潮涌动,游客们挤着跑着拥抱着朋友,热情的问候,愉快地分享美食。只感觉熙熙攘攘,人山人海,可是又,井井有条,忙而不乱。如果你随意的穿过那节日盛装就会看到在后排忙碌的华盟义工,恍然明白这欢快的场面原来是这众多义工朋友的无私奉献换来的!


[攥稿人:朱凯琳] SIW (Summer in Weishan) 夏令营已有三年历史,2018年加入华盟后规模迅速扩大。2018年的夏天我们共有9位高中生和3位中学生驻扎在当地”巍山一中”和“巍宝乡建设小学”,进行了为期两周的夏令营。营员们优秀的表现受到了当地学校师生们的高度赞扬,学校把我们的夏令营列入了教学计划,表示会长期支持。夏令营在奥斯汀华人界得到了更多的关注。(详细情况可参照去年7月8月和9月的德州新闻报道,或在华盟网站查询以往报道)

新年, 華盟再服務Food Bank

[作者:麥子 摄影: 鐘斌] 华盟义工 每一年,走在饥饿救济前沿的Central Texas Food Bank 都发放大量的食物给有需要的机构和个人。他们常年需要大量人手帮助检查食品有效期、分检、装箱工作。作为Austin华人群体中最大的非盈利组织—— 華裔聯盟, 我們每年都會多次組織義工參與到Food Bank的工作中。 繼去年12/8日義工活動之後,我們計劃在2019年開春繼續組織義工團隊參與該活動 。通知一髮出,收到了來自會員甚至非會員的大力支持,短短的時間內,就組織起了近百人的義工團隊。

ACAN shines at 2018 ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot 华盟在2018感恩节火鸡跑活动中大放异彩

【Report: Xinmiao  Photo: ACAN Members  Date: 12/07/2018】 【 报道:新苗,翻译:海舟 摄影:华盟成员 日期:2018.12.7 】 It would not be an overstatement to say that for many Austinites every year when Thanksgiving is approaching, the anticipation increases, not just for the feasts but also the run and the festival activity at the ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot! 毫无疑问每年感恩节临近的时候奥斯汀人都非常期盼节日的来临,不仅仅为传统美食的缘故,更因为一年一度的ThunderCloud Subs火鸡节跑步活动!

“Serve our Community” – ACAN’s Outreach and Civic Engagement

By Hugh Li Oct.2, 2018 When Austin Chinese American Network (ACAN) was founded on March 9, 2017, as a nonprofit organization, it set its mission as “Serve our community; Foster our heritage”. In the ensuing year and a half, as it rapidly grew from a handful of friends with common pursuits to an organization of…