More about the City of Weishan.

Meet past participants and read more reflections from previous summers on their respective experiences:

A word from the founder – Rachel Jiang.


Click here for admissions information.


The Mission

SIW strives to create a unique opportunity for service, cultural exchange, and personal growth.

SIW aims to bring the American classroom to these students, and most importantly bring the joy of learning English as well. Participants will learn important leadership skills, as they will be teaching a class with only one or two other participants. They will learn how to plan for classes: make it as interesting, informative, and interactive as possible. Most importantly, they will learn how to be a good teacher. Outside of class, participants will be able to converse and socialize with the students. The students there are always so welcoming and kind, and they are always eager to learn more about America and also share Weishan culture with us, whether its attempting to teach us their dialogue or taking us out for Weishan delicacies. SIW aspire to fulfill all of these.

What we do

SIW High School

Over a period of approximately two weeks, participants will teach English in pairs or in groups of three to be in charge of two or three different classes. Participants will live in Weishan First High’s dorms and eat in their cafeteria. Outside of class, participants will either sit in on classes or work on preparing class material.

SIW Middle School:

Very similar to the high school experience except participants are teaching younger students.

SIW Elementary:

Back in 2017, we visited a local elementary school called Jian She Elementary and taught one class there. We were deeply touched by the students and was also introduced to Teach for China, an organization which deployed two volunteer teachers there. We learned about the purpose of this school, how it was a government funded school to provide education for kids who had parents that were often away or who did not have the best family condition. We donated two washing machines to the school so students and teachers who live there can wash their clothes more conveniently.

Fortunately, in 2018, two high school participants and two middle school participants stayed and taught at Jian She Elementary school for two weeks. In addition to teaching classes, participants also stay in the dorms with the elementary students. That was the birth of SIW Elementary.

In 2019, six participants went to An Le Elementary for two weeks, taught five classes of English, Musical, Arts and PE. Most of the students’ parents are working out of town, they are called ‘left-behind’ Children in China, it was a very rewording experience for both our campers and local students.