Volunteering for ACCF 2019

BY Xinmiao On February 16th, ACAN hosted the Austin Chinese Culture Festival – ACCF. The festival attracted thousands of attendees and the community at large has been abuzz about it since. What is the secret of this relatively young organization’s success in organizing an event of such a scale? It is the volunteers!

2019 Chinese Culture Festival: Food, Games, and Souvenirs

By Huimin Chinese cuisine is a significant element in Chinese culture and Austin’s 2019 Chinese Culture Festival couldn’t succeed without Chinese food. Board member Wendy Wei was in charge of organizing food and drink sections for the Festival. There were Chinese food vendors representing different cuisines from various regions. The dumplings and buns from Bao’d…

2019 Austin Chinese Culture Festival – Evening Show Review

By Sherry Feb 16th, 2019 is a day to remember for many here in town for one reason: the Austin Chinese Culture Festival made its debut after almost a year-long preparation. It was the biggest Lunar New Year celebration event in Austin among all the others. The guests enjoyed Chinese cuisine, cultural exhibitions, performances and…

Austin Chinese Culture Festival (ACCF)

Austin Chinese Culture Festival (ACCF)

Date: February 16, 2019 Location: AISD PAC The Austin Chinese-American Network (ACAN) will partner with local schools, Asian American organizations, and popular Chinese restaurants to present the Austin Chinese Culture Festival (ACCF). The ACCF will include a culinary festival, cultural showcases and exhibits, and a stunning performance, you can enjoy them all on February 16…

奧斯汀华裔联盟致各界朋友 – 2019年元旦

[奧斯汀华裔联盟理事会,  邱朝欣,肖宁,赵慧敏 执笔] 亲爱的朋友们: 一元复始,万象更新。值此辞旧迎新之际,奧斯汀华裔联盟理事会谨祝各位身体健康,万事如意,事业有成,财运兴旺。 在刚刚过去的2018年, 华盟以年初的Keep Austin BeautifulCleanup和 Central Texas Food Bank起跑,至年底在The Heritage at Hunters Chase 为老龄人演唱圣诞颂歌和Travis County Sheriff’s Office Brown Santa 收官,共组织了三百多次各类活动。华盟的活动包括社区服务,教育,文化交流,艺术,和会员交友等多种内容。 华盟举办的中秋文艺汇演好评如潮,也为 Salvation Army 筹集了 $3000 善款。暑假期间,华盟组队前往云南支教,会员朋友们更踊跃捐款 $4000 支持巍宝山郊区留守儿童夏令营。年初的春节晚会,年中的小龙虾乡宴,母亲节茶会,父亲节游船等交友活动都受到会员热捧。华盟的各个兴趣团体也吸引了许多会员粉丝:今年新成立的华盟艺术团在中秋晚会上一鸣惊人;华盟精致生活群的圣诞晚会高朋满座;而每到周末,奥斯汀的林间小道上总能看到华盟的暴走队和逍遥行队员们矫健的身影;华盟的各个舞蹈班,合唱团,声乐组和精致生活群的时装队则坚持定期训练,成果显著。华盟的教育讲座,摄影讲座,中医与其它养生讲座,美容讲座等也广受欢迎。华盟还与许多高中,初中中文项目合作,组织专家和义工们前往各个学校,向学生们介绍太极,功夫,国画,书法,中医,民族服饰及舞蹈等中华文化传统,极大地激发了学生们的学习热情。

ACAN shines at 2018 ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot 华盟在2018感恩节火鸡跑活动中大放异彩

【Report: Xinmiao  Photo: ACAN Members  Date: 12/07/2018】 【 报道:新苗,翻译:海舟 摄影:华盟成员 日期:2018.12.7 】 It would not be an overstatement to say that for many Austinites every year when Thanksgiving is approaching, the anticipation increases, not just for the feasts but also the run and the festival activity at the ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot! 毫无疑问每年感恩节临近的时候奥斯汀人都非常期盼节日的来临,不仅仅为传统美食的缘故,更因为一年一度的ThunderCloud Subs火鸡节跑步活动!

飘香奥城高中的中国画教学 Chinese Painting Class in Austin Schools

【撰稿  明清 摄影 学校老师及义工】 起源于汉代的[中国画],是一种传统形式的中国绘画。这种采用毛笔蘸水、墨、彩作画于绢或纸上的古老技术,能广泛和逼真地展现人物、山水、花鸟等物和景的风采。 由奥斯汀华裔联盟(ACAN)近期组织的奥斯汀地区中学中国文化推广活动,将[中国画]的美带进了Glenn, Cedar Park, Dominic Savio Catholic,Westwood, Round Rock, Canyon Vista, Cedar Ridge, 和Connally等高中的课堂。

奥城高中牵手中国武术 Chinese Martial Arts in Austin Schools

【撰稿  明清 摄影 学校老师及义工】 [中国武术]名扬天下。它的重要代表形式 – [中国功夫]不仅将技击寓于搏斗运动与套路运动之中,还具有内外合一,形神兼备的民族风格。[中国功夫]在西方国家的青少年中有一定的影响力。从当年影坛的李小龙到现代的成龙,那些震撼人心的不凡身手,深受美国民众的青睐。 奥斯汀华裔联盟(ACAN)近期在奥斯汀地区高中进行的中国文化推广活动,使美国孩子们与神秘高深的[中国武术]有机会牵手。这项推广活动包括了[中国功夫],[太极拳],和[太极功夫扇]三部分。目前,LASA, Dominic Savio Catholic,Westwood, Round Rock 四所高中参与了这项推广活动。

中国书法着陆奥城高中 Chinese Calligraphy Landed in Austin Schools

【撰稿  明清 摄影 学校老师及义工】 [中国书法]已有四千年历史。从汉代开始,[中国书法]已向亚洲其他国家传播。然而,[中国书法]向西方世界的宣传较晚,甚至晚于日本向西方的介绍。以至于很多西方人并不知道书法是源于中国。目前,由奥斯汀华裔联盟(ACAN)主办的奥斯汀地区高中中国文化推广活动已隆重推出[中国书法]项目。

Meet Our Mayor

[Reporter: Huimin Zhao Video production: Lee Dedear]   Video Link: https://youtu.be/bhyH_-3_LKw   On July 24th, 2018, as part of a series to foster Chinese-American community involvement, ACAN interviewed Austin Mayor Steve Adler in the city hall. The purpose of the interview was to showcase our fast-growing Chinese-American community organization, ACAN, to the mayor. The interview…

Second Meeting of the 2018 Austin Chinese-American Network (ACAN) Board of Directors

Austin, TX, October 5, 2018: The Austin Chinese American Network (ACAN) held its second board meeting of 2018 on October 5. ACAN President Mr. Peter Chao and three Vice Presidents, Mr. Charles Qiu, Mr. Darda Chang, and Ms. Caijiao Zhao spoke at the meeting, respectively. As members of the leadership team, they emphasized the significance…

“Serve our Community” – ACAN’s Outreach and Civic Engagement

By Hugh Li Oct.2, 2018 When Austin Chinese American Network (ACAN) was founded on March 9, 2017, as a nonprofit organization, it set its mission as “Serve our community; Foster our heritage”. In the ensuing year and a half, as it rapidly grew from a handful of friends with common pursuits to an organization of…


华盟快迅:2019年10月4日,奥斯汀华裔联盟收到市文化艺术发展局来函,正式批准了华盟所申请的2019年文化遗产项目基金。这份基金将全部用于华盟正在筹办的 2019年2月16日奥斯汀中华文化节。华盟会长赵俊达先生说:“这份基金为华盟的2019年中华文化节的成功提供了坚实的财务基础。它将使我们更加游刃有余地展开在各方面的准备工作。” 据了解,文化节将在可同时容纳3000人的奥斯汀学区表演中心举办。这将是一个全天的活动,包括美食街,礼品档,特色文化展示与表演,以及晚上的文艺汇演。

奥斯汀华盟关于会员建立账号和续会的通知 – ACAN invite you to register and renew membership on the new system

Please scroll down to see the English version. 奥斯汀华盟在各位会员的参与和支持下,本着服务社区,传承文化的宗旨,在一年半时间里超计划完成了大量的社区服务工作,并成为奥斯汀有影响力的华人社团。华盟的成长有目共睹,而我们都是这个美好的成长故事中的一员。关于华盟成立一年多来的回顾,请看这个短片:https://youtu.be/75i71HDfK34 随着会员人数的增长,华盟目前的人工资料管理方式已经不能满足需求,大家从频繁的会员号的询问中就可见一斑。为此华盟理事会同意并推动建立了会员自助登录系统,现在我们请求每位会员都在新系统中建立自己的账号,以简化大家以后购票,续会及统计的操作。 建立会员账号用以下链接:https://www.austinchineseamericannetwork.org/membership-account/membership-levels/

ACAN Mission

ACAN Mission Serve our community, foster our heritage 服務社區,傳承文化 The following video introduces you to the Austin Chinese-American Network (ACAN).  It briefly reviewed ACAN’s efforts in community services, cultural exchanges, member enrichment and education.  Viewers will gain a better appreciation of ACAN’s mission of serving the community and fostering our heritage.  ACAN welcomes friends to…