
Mid-Autumn Performance Show Announcement

We are proud to announce the premiere of ACAN’s Mid-Autumn Performance, to be held on the evening of September 22 in partnership with many local artists.  The program is supported by the Austin Cultural Arts Division and all proceeds will be donated to Salvation Army to support their mission to help those in need.

We cordially invite you and your loved ones to join us as we celebrate the long history of traditions surrounding the harvest moon in Chinese culture. The performance is guaranteed to be thrilling, exciting, and captivating!

Lastly, we ask that you help us spread the news of this event by sharing this registration link to friends, family, and network on your preferred social media platform. ACAN is growing, and your continued support is appreciated!

We look forward to seeing you on September 22!

各位朋友,在市政府文化局的支持下,华盟将于九月二十二日晚举办大型中秋文艺晚会。华盟将联合本市其他文艺团体向大家奉献一场精彩的演出。海上升明月,天涯共此时。华盟期待您携家人朋友前来,共庆佳节。这次晚会将欢迎所有奥城市民光临,并将收入捐赠救世军 (Salvation Army)。敬请各位把以下晚会信息及报名链接转发您的同事,邻居和朋友们。门票有限,欲购从速,谢谢!

Registration Link:

[jotform id=”81726609879171″]

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