ACAN to host 2022 Austin Chinese Culture Festival on May 7th at Brentwood Christian School

ACAN to host 2022 Austin Chinese Culture Festival on May 7th at Brentwood Christian School

After a pandemic stoppage last year, Austin Chinese-American Network is resuming our annual tradition by throwing a big (free) party – Austin Chinese Culture Festival on Saturday May 7th from 12 to 6pm, on the beautiful Brentwood Christian School campus. In the middle of the Year of the Tiger, we are continuing the New Year’s celebration: dragon dance, Asian cuisines for purchase from various local restaurants, authentic Chinese cultural exhibits, crafts, photo booths and games, and awesome live performances from many local performing art organizations! Perfect for anyone, but particularly well-suited for families with young kids to loiter around on a meticulously maintained campus. Stop by, drop in anytime in the afternoon to have fun, and visit with community organizations and sponsoring businesses! With loud dragon dance, lion roars and Chinese gongs, let’s give COVID-19 a proper send-off, for good!

ACAN Approved 41 PVSA Applications in 2020-2021 School Year

ACAN Approved 41 PVSA Applications in 2020-2021 School Year

ACAN proudly announced that 41 applicants have been approved to receive the President’s Volunteering Service Award for the 2020-2021 school year (September 1st, 2020- August 31, 2021). It’s our delight to see so many of our youth are doing wonderful works to serve our community (not just the Asian community, but the community in general)….

“Rise Together” entering the final round of Project of the Year Award

“Rise Together” entering the final round of Project of the Year Award

Congratulations to the Rise Together team as their project entered the final round of Project of the Year Award, hosted by the Civic Leadership Academy. The Project of the Year Award is an opportunity to highlight and award young students and civicilly engaged organizations from across the U.S. This year, there are 50 projects submitted…

ACAN 2021 Summer Youth Chinese Contests 奥斯汀华盟(2021 年夏季)青少年写作及朗诵比赛

一、参赛人员 本次比赛向所有ACAN 成员和非成员家庭的青少年开放。比赛 分为四个年龄组:幼儿组:3-6 岁;儿童组:7-10 岁;少年 组:11-14 岁;青少年组:14-18 岁。每个组内中写作及朗诵 各自设立奖项。 二、大赛主题  写作比赛: 参考中华文学经典名录,选择或自选一篇名家 名作,写一篇读后感,交电子文稿。  朗诵比赛: 参考以上名录,选择或自选一篇名家名作,全 文或节选一篇朗诵,限时1-3 分钟,视频交稿。 三、投稿要求请参照以下文档 tXVTLaVhyqj8ef7J/edit 四、比赛报名请扫描下侧条形码报名