June 2021 Treasure Report
ACAN June 2021 Treasure Report.
Posts from June 2021
ACAN June 2021 Treasure Report.
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The contest is open to all current middle and high school students. For details please click here: https://bit.ly/acan-sywc
By Gloria Wu 奥斯汀华裔联盟 The following is a summary from the ACAN Youth Talk given by Emlyn Lee on May 29. Follow Emlyn Lee on Twitter @brave_atxJoin ACAN Youth on Discord to CONNECT, LEARN & SERVE (https://discord.gg/9VTSe7q) 华盟公众号热烈欢迎家长和青少年投稿,中英文都可以。 If you couldn’t achieve something just because of your skin color, what would you do? Unfortunately, Emlyn Lee…
ACAN member CJ’s (a.k.a. Earthworm) presence in our community is bigger than life! She is a person with one of the biggest heart (for people in need) that I know of. With an incredible amount of energy, she marches on and, along the way, gathers a big crowd with her to serve the community. Here…
2019年6月 报道:顾海舟 Summer In Weishan (SIW) 是一个由奥斯汀地区中学生组成的支教夏令营,营员们会来到中国云南巍山彝族回族自治县的巍山一中及周围中小学,教那里的学生们英文并和他们进行文化交流,为期两周。巍山位于云南西部,距大理正南约60公里,中缅边界以东约350公里,是一个风景旖旎但交通闭塞的山区,自治县内有彝族、回族等少数民族,民风古朴、多彩。
华盟快讯:2019年6月21日,奥斯汀华裔联盟收到市文化艺术发展局来函,正式批准了华盟所申请的2018年社区倡议基金项目。这份基金将全部用于华盟正在筹办的 9 月22日中秋文艺晚会。华盟副会长兼艺术委员会主任张铭聪先生说:“这份基金为华盟的中秋晚会提供了坚实的财务基础。它将使我们的晚会在艺术水平,软件及硬件准备方面都更加游刃有余。” 据了解,华盟为2019 年度文化传统基金项目的申请也进展顺利,有望于今年晚些时候听到回复。2019 年度文化传统基金项目将用来支撑计划于明年二月举办的2019奥城中华文化节。 ACAN News: On June 21, 2018, the Austin Chinese-American Network received a notification from the City of Austin Cultural Arts Division. The letter confirmed that the ACAN has been awarded a Community Initiative Grant. The grant will be used to develop the ACAN Mid-Autumn Chinese Performance Show on September…
Report: 新苗 Photo: Alan and 新苗 6/12/2018 On a beautiful Saturday afternoon of June 2nd, 2018, a group of us arrived at Tzu Chi Austin Service Center to attend Jing Si Cha Dao – a special tea ceremony organized by Austin Chinese-American Network (ACAN) and Tzu Chi.