ACAN Present Hugh Li’s statement to RRISD board of trustees

April 20, 2021 Hugh Li In the recent Round Rock ISD Board discussions about keeping students and staff safe against COVID-19, Board Trustee Dr. Xiao voiced his own position on mask wearing. While objections to his policy position are expected and normal, both within the Board, and among the concerned RRISD communities, we were horrified…

ACAN Receiving Grants From AllTogetherATX Fund

[April 22, 2020] ACAN is proud to announce being selected as one of the 1st round organizations receiving grants from AllTogetherATX fund, a Covid19 relief fund jointly sponsored by United Way for Greater Austin and Austin Community Foundation, and funded by generous donations from individuals, organizations and corporations, such as National Instruments.


ACAN partners with ATXHospitalMeals in support of health workers and local restaurants

AUSTIN, Texas, April 16, 2020 — ATXHospitalMeals, the Austin-based grassroots organization mobilizing to feed healthcare workers through donations that go directly to support local restaurants, announced today a partnership with the Austin Chinese-American Network (ACAN), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with a core mission to “serve our community and foster our heritage.” This collaboration will allow both organizations to augment and expand their respective charitable programs and enable ATXHospitalMeals to accept tax-exempt donations and company matches. Austin construction manager company Flintco is the first corporate giving partner matching dollar-for-dollar donations given through May 1 up to $15,000.


战胜饥饿,战胜病毒 – 华盟在行动

[撰稿和图片提供: 华盟义工] 奥斯汀华裔联盟 (ACAN) 在疫情严重的时候, 看到了社区弱势群体的需要。很多平时由各公益组织帮助的弱势群体, 由于疫情对社区的影响, 而缺少了一些最基本的物资 - 每日果腹的餐食。据 EMS and Camp Abbot 的义工们说,那里的几百个无家可归者, 平时大部分时候只能吃军队用的压缩食品。那些市民在疫情期间没有可以避难的地方,如果没有人给予他们食物,他们就会在我们后院里饿死,使本就严峻的形势更加悲剧。他们是我们的弟兄姐妹,我们不能置之不顾。华盟决定挑起这个重担,服务社区,从提供一顿顿饭做起!

Austin Chinese-American Network partners with volunteers to donate meals to homeless during pandemic – on KVUE News

AUSTIN, Texas — Austin Chinese-American Network (ACAN) Vice President Hugh Li said the organization has donated about 1,500 meals to homeless communities in the past two weeks. “Food is a huge part of our culture and it is also a way for us to show our love and our care to people around us – friends, neighbors,”…

ACAN In Action – COVID-19 Relief Effort April 1, 2020

Serious Work on April Fool’s Day Today we set out to help LifeWorks Austin whose young residents are experiencing medical, emotional and economic vulnerability as a result of #Covid-19. 3 ACAN volunteers, partnering with a local Chinese restaurant House of Three Gorges (, 三峡人家), delivered 40 freshly made Chicken Fried Rice meals and >40 homemade…


4/13 华盟志愿者Food Bank活动

报道:海舟 摄影:华盟义工 2019年4月13日,奥斯汀华裔联盟ACAN的60多位志愿者在理事刘炜和CJ的带领下,又一次来到德州食物仓库Central Texas Food Bank,进行义务劳动。这次参加的志愿者最小只有八岁,大多数是初、高中学生。经过近三个小时的紧张劳动,大家清理了数百箱罐头食品。堆成山的罐头被迅速清理分装到了纸箱里整齐打包装箱,像变魔术一样被大家清理干净。



撰稿 懒橡树摄影 华盟摄影师 借你素颜凝脂,秀我巧手覆云。2月28日傍晚,奥斯汀华裔联盟艺术团化妆群群主林碧再次吹响集结号,20几位美女辣妈聚集在The Heritage at Hunters Chase老年中心活动室参加由唐莉莉(Liliya)主讲的舞台化妆讲座。


撰稿 英文/许瑾 中文/明清摄影 华盟摄影组 奥市华盟于3月6日在The Heritage at Hunter Chase的活动中心举办了一场摄影专业讲座。这次讲座讨论了单反镜头的分类和参数,并专题讲解了花卉摄影及微距镜头的应用。大约有30多名摄影爱好者参加了讲座活动,其中不乏摄影初学者和老把式。