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《辛勤义工是英雄》 -奥斯汀华盟2019中华文化节-义工侧记
[撰稿 新苗;摄影 华盟义工] 从2月16日开始在奥村见到华人朋友难得会不提起ACCF(奥斯汀中国文化节),可见一斑它的影响力。 下午的文化活动和晚上的艺术表演吸引了那众多的游客。大厅里人潮涌动,游客们挤着跑着拥抱着朋友,热情的问候,愉快地分享美食。只感觉熙熙攘攘,人山人海,可是又,井井有条,忙而不乱。如果你随意的穿过那节日盛装就会看到在后排忙碌的华盟义工,恍然明白这欢快的场面原来是这众多义工朋友的无私奉献换来的!
ACAN 2021 Summer Youth Chinese Contests 奥斯汀华盟(2021 年夏季)青少年写作及朗诵比赛
一、参赛人员 本次比赛向所有ACAN 成员和非成员家庭的青少年开放。比赛 分为四个年龄组:幼儿组:3-6 岁;儿童组:7-10 岁;少年 组:11-14 岁;青少年组:14-18 岁。每个组内中写作及朗诵 各自设立奖项。 二、大赛主题 写作比赛: 参考中华文学经典名录,选择或自选一篇名家 名作,写一篇读后感,交电子文稿。 朗诵比赛: 参考以上名录,选择或自选一篇名家名作,全 文或节选一篇朗诵,限时1-3 分钟,视频交稿。 三、投稿要求请参照以下文档 tXVTLaVhyqj8ef7J/edit 四、比赛报名请扫描下侧条形码报名
ACAN Youth Concert Benefiting Central Texas Food Bank
Austin Chinese-American Network is sponsoring an online youth show to demonstrate unity, strength, and kindness of the community to raise fund for Central Texas Food Bank, a local non-profit organization hundreds of ACAN volunteers regularly volunteer in the past few years.
ACAN CleanerAustin Action on Brush Creek park
On May 26th, the ACAN CleanerAustin team kicked off the first day of summer break with a park cleaning and team-building event at Brush Creek park. More than 20 volunteers, including both youth and adults, participated in this event. The youngest participant was a fourth-grader. Everyone did an exceptional job, and some of the youth…
【文字: 海舟 摄影:华盟成员】2019年一月五日,华盟成员在几位理事带领下参加Keep Austin Beautiful 组织的一年一度360沿路圣诞装饰清理活动。
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Thanks for organizing this event.
Thank you. Hope to see your entry!