ACAN Receiving Grants From AllTogetherATX Fund
[April 22, 2020] ACAN is proud to announce being selected as one of the 1st round organizations receiving grants from AllTogetherATX fund, a Covid19 relief fund jointly sponsored by United Way for Greater Austin and Austin Community Foundation, and funded by generous donations from individuals, organizations and corporations, such as National Instruments.
This grant is both a recognition of ACAN’s Covid-19 relief work thus far, and a substantial financial support for ACAN’s continued relief work for underpriviledged and at-risk groups severely impacted by this health and economic crisis.
Thank you very much to AllTogetherATX, United Way for Greater Austin and Austin Community Foundation for the generous support, and thank you so much to the army of ACAN’s volunteers who put so much heart and hard work into helping our communities get through this most difficult time. Together, we shall overcome.
奥斯汀华盟非常荣幸地宣布,日内将获得AllTogetherATX 基金第一轮的两万美元赠款。该AllTogetherATX 基金是由United Way for Greater Austin 和 Austin Community Foundation 联合赞助,并由许多个人,机构和公司慷慨捐助的 Covid19救济基金。奥斯汀地区的企业 National Instruments 作为最大的赞助方,第一笔就捐助了一百万美元。
在此,华盟对AllTogetherATX基金,United Way for Greater Austin和Austin Community Foundation 的慷慨支持表示诚挚的感谢,也对华盟的广大志愿者队伍表示由衷的感谢,他们付出了无数的心血和辛勤努力来帮助我们的社区度过这个最困难的时刻!我们万众一心,必可力克时艰!