ACAN participated in Keep Austin Beautify Day cleanup

By Noah Liu, April 14, 2018

Today over 70 Austin Chinese-American Network members came together at Dove Springs District Park to help the community by picking up trash. Dozens of bags of litter were collected along with several bags of recyclables. Most of our volunteers today were children, who all had lots of fun while helping out the community.

The event started at 9AM, lasted one and a half hours, and ended at 10:45AM with a contest of the most unique or strange trash item found. Contestants brought in a wide range of items including a leaky kiddie pool and a ripped garden hose. After a short vote, a torn-up and mud-coated couch cushion won by a narrow margin. The prize, four free tickets to any 2018 season Round Rock Express baseball game, was given to the three girls who found the item.

After the cleanup, there was a festival hosted by Keep Austin Beautiful for all 4000 volunteers from 120 cleanup sites around Austin. Volunteers enjoyed live music and gift drawings as they ate hamburgers and hot dogs provided for free by HEB. Our volunteers said they had a great time today helping clean up the community.


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