ACAN Mission

ACAN Mission

Serve our community, foster our heritage


The following video introduces you to the Austin Chinese-American Network (ACAN).  It briefly reviewed ACAN’s efforts in community services, cultural exchanges, member enrichment and education.  Viewers will gain a better appreciation of ACAN’s mission of serving the community and fostering our heritage.  ACAN welcomes friends to join its cause.  Together we can chart a brighter future for our society.

這部介紹奧斯汀華裔聯盟的短片,概括總結了華盟一年多來在社區服務,文化傳播, 會員交流及教育等各方面的努力。希望大家能更多的了解華盟服務社會,弘揚文化的宗旨。華盟歡迎朋友們加入我們的團體,共創更加美好的生活。

Video in English



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