ACAN Member Holiday Fundraising Drive ACAN会员年终筹款活动

Dear ACAN members,

It is that time of the year, finally, after a long and brutal Texas summer that I thought was going to go on forever. Roast turkey and pumpkin pie, jingle bells and mistletoes – yes indeed, it’ll soon be the holiday season once again.

Thanks to the hard work and dedication of our members, ACAN has done many great things in the past year, despite some serious challenges. From the marquee events such as the Mother’s Day Tea Party, the Father’s Day Boat Cruise, and the Fall BBQ, to the monthly education seminars, art lessons and many more, ACAN has organized countless member activities throughout the year. And that’s not it, at all. ACAN has also successfully organized the amazing ACCF2019, continued to work with area schools to teach and promote our Culture among young students, served and supported our communities through volunteering, donation, collaboration and sometimes, by simply being there for other community organizations. Through these activities, we not only served our communities’ needs, but also solidly enhanced our presence and visibility among Austin’s diverse communities.

Indeed, we should all feel proud of what we have achieved and who we are.

But all these activities take not just our time and effort – they take money, too. Thanks to the generous donations from our members and sponsors throughout the year, ACAN was able to fund many activities that go straight towards our core missions: Serve Our Community and Foster Our Culture. Thank you so much! We can also say that, with zero overhead, your charitable donations were 100% used to serve our missions. And thanks to prudent control of expenditures, we can also report that ACAN is in good financial health.

But as ACAN and its influence continue to grow, and as ACAN carefully charters future plans to better serve our missions, ACAN needs your continued financial support. $20, $50, or $100, any amount is helpful and it goes straight to serving our members and our communities. And because the companies that many of you work for have matching programs, the impact of your donation can be doubled or even tripled if you donate through your companies, as ACAN is a fully qualified 501(c)3 organization (Tax ID: 82-0847511)

Again, thank you so much for a phenomenal year and we look forward to seeing you at the Thanksgiving’s Turkey Trot – either among the trotters or in the 2 water stations ACAN will be manning, at our exquisite Holiday Gala inside the beautiful and historic University of Texas Golf Club, or at our uniquely smashing ACCF2020.


经历了炎热而且漫长的德克萨斯盛夏,我们终于又来到了一年中的那个喜庆季节。烤火鸡和南瓜派,叮当铃和槲寄生 – 没错,年终节日即将来临。

尽管经历了一些严峻的挑战, 凭借着我们各位成员的辛勤工作和奉献精神,ACAN在过去的一年中还是取得了众多成就。从诸如母亲节茶会,父亲节乘船巡游和秋季烧烤之类的大型活动,到每月的教育研讨会,艺术课等等,ACAN全年组织了无数的会员活动。除此之外, ACAN还成功地组织了令人赞叹的2019中华文化节 (ACCF2019),并继续与奥斯汀地区十几所学校合作,在年轻的学生中传授和推广我们的中华文化,还通过志愿服务,捐赠,合作等方式为我们的社区提供服务和支持。通过这些活动,我们不仅服务了社区,而且还切实增强了ACAN在奥斯丁不同社区中的影响力和知名度。



但是,随着ACAN及其影响力的不断增长,以及随着ACAN仔细制定未来的计划,以更好地服务于我们的使命,ACAN仍需要您持续的财务支持。 $ 20,$ 50或$ 100,任何金额都是有帮助的,会直接用于为我们的会员和社区服务。而且由于很多的公司都有捐助匹配计划,因此如果您通过您的公司进行捐赠,您的捐赠的影响可能会翻倍甚至三倍,因为ACAN是一家完全合格的501(c)3组织。

再次感恩和您一起度过了非凡的一年,我们期待着在感恩节的火鸡小跑中与您见面 – 无论是在跑群中还是在ACAN服务的两个饮水站边,或是在美丽且历史悠久的德州大学高球俱乐部内举办的精致假日晚会,或是我们别具一格的2020 中华文化节(ACCF2020)。祝大家节日快乐,阖家欢乐!

Company Match Info:

Austin Chinese-American Network

Tax ID: 82-0847511

Address: 7316 Fabion Dr., Austin, TX 78759

1. Check – Payable to:

Austin Chinese-American Network

Please mail your check to: 7316 Fabion Dr., Austin, TX 78759

2. Paypal or Quick Pay:

华盟经常有各种金额收入和支出,为了减轻财务组的负担,Please write down this code for your Donation以便财务组的工作.


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