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撰稿: 一修 1月是全国领养月,而第18届“Travis郡领养日”庆祝活动则于11月7号在奥斯汀南面的Gardner-Betts青少年司法中心举行,庆祝39名来自奥斯汀地区的孩子被23个当地家庭领养。 今年庆祝活动的主题是“有家真好”。许多当地组织,个人和官员在过去的一年里都花费了大量时间,帮助把在德州收养系统中的孩子们和愿意领养的家庭搭配起来。今天则有许多志愿者来到这里为这些孩子和他们的新家庭庆祝这一重要的日子。
February 2021 Treasure Report
… This content is for 华盟会员(ACAN membership) members only.RegisterAlready a member? Log in here...
Meet Our Mayor
[Reporter: Huimin Zhao Video production: Lee Dedear] Video Link: On July 24th, 2018, as part of a series to foster Chinese-American community involvement, ACAN interviewed Austin Mayor Steve Adler in the city hall. The purpose of the interview was to showcase our fast-growing Chinese-American community organization, ACAN, to the mayor. The interview…
ACAN Culture&Art mini-Grant Program
ACAN Culture&Art mini-Grant Program [Press Release] One of ACAN’s missions as a NPO is the fostering of our cultural heritage. This includes organizing and hosting cultural art events of our own, as well as supporting other members and organizations of our community and the events that they organize and host. Following ACAN’s successful application for…
【撰稿 洞庭坐观, 摄影 肖宁】7 月 28 日周六傍晚,盛夏的奥斯汀依旧是骄阳似火,热浪滚滚。伴随着此起彼伏的掌声和欢呼声,位于 Pfugerville 的社区活动中心此时更是热浪高涨,阵阵袭人。当晚奥斯汀华盟艺术团(华艺)顾不上天气炎热,在这里举办了一台小型唱歌表演竞赛晚会。几十名华艺粉丝团成员及其朋友正在这里度过一个热情洋溢的夏夜。
Student Essay – By J. L.
In the past year of my volunteer journey, I’ve really embraced an ancient Chinese saying: “Don’t underestimate the power of doing good, no matter how small the act.” This proverb has truly come alive for me as I’ve seen firsthand how even the tiniest acts of kindness can make a huge impact on our community….