[ 撰稿 鍾斌; 摄影 庆芬,Angela Qian ] 奥斯汀华裔联盟于六月二十七日举办了一次集趣味和知识于一体的摄影沙龙,这是华盟摄影教室一年以来又一次义务为华裔摄影爱好者服务。
Harvard President Lawrence S. Bacow offered these words to his students as they vacated campus last week: “…COVID-19 will test our capacities to be kind and generous, and to see beyond ourselves and our own interests, … May we all proceed with wisdom and grace.” Those are powerful words, and here is an example of…
撰稿人:Angela Qian,邝小平 摄影:Katharine Zhu 11月23号感恩节之前的周末,Austin当天秋高气爽, 华盟的义工们五点钟就来到了Travis County Community center, 为华盟教育委员会这个月的parenting meeting and potluck布置场地。本次活动有近四十个家庭,120 大人孩子参加。
By Huimin Chinese cuisine is a significant element in Chinese culture and Austin’s 2019 Chinese Culture Festival couldn’t succeed without Chinese food. Board member Wendy Wei was in charge of organizing food and drink sections for the Festival. There were Chinese food vendors representing different cuisines from various regions. The dumplings and buns from Bao’d…
【撰稿 明清 摄影 学校老师及义工】 起源于汉代的[中国画],是一种传统形式的中国绘画。这种采用毛笔蘸水、墨、彩作画于绢或纸上的古老技术,能广泛和逼真地展现人物、山水、花鸟等物和景的风采。 由奥斯汀华裔联盟(ACAN)近期组织的奥斯汀地区中学中国文化推广活动,将[中国画]的美带进了Glenn, Cedar Park, Dominic Savio Catholic,Westwood, Round Rock, Canyon Vista, Cedar Ridge, 和Connally等高中的课堂。