
ACAN partners with ATXHospitalMeals in support of health workers and local restaurants

AUSTIN, Texas, April 16, 2020 — ATXHospitalMeals, the Austin-based grassroots organization mobilizing to feed healthcare workers through donations that go directly to support local restaurants, announced today a partnership with the Austin Chinese-American Network (ACAN), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with a core mission to “serve our community and foster our heritage.” This collaboration will allow both organizations to augment and expand their respective charitable programs and enable ATXHospitalMeals to accept tax-exempt donations and company matches. Austin construction manager company Flintco is the first corporate giving partner matching dollar-for-dollar donations given through May 1 up to $15,000.


战胜饥饿,战胜病毒 – 华盟在行动

[撰稿和图片提供: 华盟义工] 奥斯汀华裔联盟 (ACAN) 在疫情严重的时候, 看到了社区弱势群体的需要。很多平时由各公益组织帮助的弱势群体, 由于疫情对社区的影响, 而缺少了一些最基本的物资 - 每日果腹的餐食。据 EMS and Camp Abbot 的义工们说,那里的几百个无家可归者, 平时大部分时候只能吃军队用的压缩食品。那些市民在疫情期间没有可以避难的地方,如果没有人给予他们食物,他们就会在我们后院里饿死,使本就严峻的形势更加悲剧。他们是我们的弟兄姐妹,我们不能置之不顾。华盟决定挑起这个重担,服务社区,从提供一顿顿饭做起!

Austin Chinese-American Network partners with volunteers to donate meals to homeless during pandemic – on KVUE News

AUSTIN, Texas — Austin Chinese-American Network (ACAN) Vice President Hugh Li said the organization has donated about 1,500 meals to homeless communities in the past two weeks. “Food is a huge part of our culture and it is also a way for us to show our love and our care to people around us – friends, neighbors,”…

ACAN In Action – COVID-19 Relief Effort April 1, 2020

Serious Work on April Fool’s Day Today we set out to help LifeWorks Austin whose young residents are experiencing medical, emotional and economic vulnerability as a result of #Covid-19. 3 ACAN volunteers, partnering with a local Chinese restaurant House of Three Gorges (http://www.houseofthreegorgestx.com/, 三峡人家), delivered 40 freshly made Chicken Fried Rice meals and >40 homemade…

ACAN In Action – COVID-19 Relief Effort March 29, 2020

Defeat the Hunger, Defeat the Virus Camp Abbott, by 183 and Montopolis, is now a small tent city on a 5-acre tract housing about 200 homeless people. Managed by Texas Department of Public Safety and ATX HELPS, people here are experiencing significantly more hardships due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The coronavirus has not only brought…

ACAN In Action – COVID-19 Relief Effort March 25, 2020

KIND AND GENEROUS – Part II Covid-19 is hitting all of us really hard, but it is hitting the underprivileged groups in Austin Metro many times worse. Providing daily meals to the homeless shelters housing >2000 people throughout the City has become an urgent need. Answering desperate calls from agencies and community groups, ACAN and…

ACAN In Action – Covid-19 Relief Effort March 20, 2020

Harvard President Lawrence S. Bacow offered these words to his students as they vacated campus last week: “…COVID-19 will test our capacities to be kind and generous, and to see beyond ourselves and our own interests, … May we all proceed with wisdom and grace.” Those are powerful words, and here is an example of…


撰稿: 一修 摄影: 肖光明,Xiaowei Wang 第二届奥城中华文化节如期于二月十五日在西木高中成功举行。本次文化节围绕着由高中生担任主角的文艺展示,为奥斯汀各族裔民众提供了一次全方位品尝中华美食,浸润中华文化,并了解奥斯汀当地社区文化的机会。 整个下午,络绎不绝的人群或拖家带口,或呼朋唤友,徜徉在充满农历新年气氛和中国元素的大厅、长廊之中。

PRESS RELEASE: 2019-nCoV and ACCF2020

By now, we are sure everyone is very much tuned in to the public health emergency that is engulfing China, and to a lesser degree, yet increasingly, the rest of the world. In the past couple of weeks, we have witnessed with a heavy heart a huge swath of Central China locked down, impacting tens of millions of people during what is traditionally the most festive and most intimate time of the year. From a distance of thousands of miles, we can still acutely feel the worries, the pains, and the desperations of our families, friends, and fellow countrymen across the ocean.


[明清撰稿]元月下旬,2019 n-CoV病疫在武汉告急,沉浸在迎接中国新年喜悦中的奥斯汀地区华人都坐不住了。当即,武汉病情发展的消息占据了当地华人社团的大小网络,很多人着手联系向灾区捐款捐物事宜。 位于奥斯汀西北区的Canyon Creek 小区是华裔居民较为密集的社区。连日来,同胞们分别行动寻找到不少由美国将捐赠物资邮往国内的可能途径。目前,该小区在二位热心公益事业的华人志愿者主持下,集中统一了小区华人的这次行动。为了有效的支援重症灾区,他们正组织小区内华人集资购买更多的防护物资,并计划通过美国其他华人机构的巳开通渠道向国内运送援助物资。希望Canyon Creek的首批捐赠品会随下批美国通关货物尽快发往灾区。

奥斯汀庆祝中国新年的新传统 ACCF2020

奥斯汀华裔联盟欢迎您参加奥斯汀中国文化节。Austin Chinese Culture Festival (ACCF2020) Students from 11 high schools of the greater Austin area will showcase martial arts, Chinese calligraphy and water ink paintings. Local artists will perform traditional dances. There will be multiple fun games to play with prizes to win. Seventeen carefully selected Asian restaurants will have food for purchase. Participants will…