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《母亲节的感动》- 记华盟「母亲节茶点会」
【明清,麦子 撰稿】:自古以来,母爱是一个亘古的话题。5月13母亲节前夕,由奥斯汀华裔联盟主办的「母亲节茶点会」,通过为母亲做点心和表演文艺节目的形式,为孩子们创造了一个感恩母爱的舞台。当日下午,当妈妈们在孩子们的陪伴下来到活动现场时,场面非常感人。精致的茶具,美丽的鲜花,香甜的水果。每一处的布置摆设都展现出华盟组织者和义工们的精心安排和充分的准备。
March 2023 Treasurer Report
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Mid-Autumn Performance Show Announcement
We are proud to announce the premiere of ACAN’s Mid-Autumn Performance, to be held on the evening of September 22 in partnership with many local artists. The program is supported by the Austin Cultural Arts Division and all proceeds will be donated to Salvation Army to support their mission to help those in need.
ACAN partners with ATXHospitalMeals in support of health workers and local restaurants
AUSTIN, Texas, April 16, 2020 — ATXHospitalMeals, the Austin-based grassroots organization mobilizing to feed healthcare workers through donations that go directly to support local restaurants, announced today a partnership with the Austin Chinese-American Network (ACAN), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with a core mission to “serve our community and foster our heritage.” This collaboration will allow both organizations to augment and expand their respective charitable programs and enable ATXHospitalMeals to accept tax-exempt donations and company matches. Austin construction manager company Flintco is the first corporate giving partner matching dollar-for-dollar donations given through May 1 up to $15,000.
战胜饥饿,战胜病毒 – 华盟在行动
[撰稿和图片提供: 华盟义工] 奥斯汀华裔联盟 (ACAN) 在疫情严重的时候, 看到了社区弱势群体的需要。很多平时由各公益组织帮助的弱势群体, 由于疫情对社区的影响, 而缺少了一些最基本的物资 - 每日果腹的餐食。据 EMS and Camp Abbot 的义工们说,那里的几百个无家可归者, 平时大部分时候只能吃军队用的压缩食品。那些市民在疫情期间没有可以避难的地方,如果没有人给予他们食物,他们就会在我们后院里饿死,使本就严峻的形势更加悲剧。他们是我们的弟兄姐妹,我们不能置之不顾。华盟决定挑起这个重担,服务社区,从提供一顿顿饭做起!
ACAN families enjoyed camping workshop at Inks Lake State Park
[Noah Liu] Austin Chinese-American Network partnered with Texas Outdoor Family, a program under Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to host a private camping workshop for members on 9/7-8 at Inks Lake State Park. Our 18 participating families learned important camping and outdoor skills such as setting up a campsite, building a fire, and cooking outdoors. Participants also had the chance to go kayaking, hiking, fishing, stargazing and geocaching within the park. Our families all enjoyed the event greatly, especially the children! We hope that we can organize a similar event sometime in the future.