December 2020 Treasure Report
华盟于8月25日上午十点在PCC举行了华盟财务状况通报问答会。13位理事和部分会员参加了会议。华盟财务长Wendy汇报了华盟自成立以来的收支情况。对一些会员关心的财务支出项目做出了澄清。详细的财务报表已经在华盟网站公布(需要使用会员账号登陆)。 有与会会员对目前华盟理事会人员变动表达了疑惑。我们今后会以通告形式及时向会员通知。还有会员提问”华盟的服务方向是以会员优先还是社区优先?” 我们认为华盟宗旨是” 服务社区, 传承文化”, 在立足团结会员的前提下,为我们生活的社区提供更好的服务,把中华文化传播开去。会员是社区一部分,我们希望达到会员和社区双赢的结果。另外,有会员对理事会议特别是预算会议提出旁听的要求,我们一直鼓励会员参加的,今后一定会尽早通知大家会议消息。 会议纪要稍后会在华盟网站登出。
AUSTIN, Texas, April 16, 2020 — ATXHospitalMeals, the Austin-based grassroots organization mobilizing to feed healthcare workers through donations that go directly to support local restaurants, announced today a partnership with the Austin Chinese-American Network (ACAN), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with a core mission to “serve our community and foster our heritage.” This collaboration will allow both organizations to augment and expand their respective charitable programs and enable ATXHospitalMeals to accept tax-exempt donations and company matches. Austin construction manager company Flintco is the first corporate giving partner matching dollar-for-dollar donations given through May 1 up to $15,000.
The APAPA/IACT/ACAN Texas Capitol Summer Internship Program in Austin, TX, is designed to transform current and future college students into future leaders in the State of Texas. This program provides an opportunity for students to develop their leadership skills, gain public policy experience, and become civically engaged. The APAPA/IACT/ACAN Internship Program will develop growth and…
… This content is for 华盟会员(ACAN membership) members only.RegisterAlready a member? Log in here...
In July 2020 ACAN announced its first Summer Youth Writing Contest (SYWC). It has finally come to a close. We received overwhelming responses. The many entries show amazing talents. It was very difficult to choose the winners. After much considerations we finally decided on a list of winners. Details please see SYWC Winners. (
… This content is for 华盟会员(ACAN membership) members only.RegisterAlready a member? Log in here...
You can donate to Austin Chinese-American Network (ACAN), a 501(c)(3) organization, for greater Austin area COVID-19 relief effort, using any of the following methods to pay to
If your company matches donations to non-profits, please use the below information when submitting your request through your company’s systems: