Austin Chinese Culture Festival Showcase

By: Xinmiao

The ACCF’s afternoon program – Showcase, at the Black Box theater of Austin Independent School District Performing Arts Center, was indeed a showcase of the rich Chinese culture: tangible and intangible Chinese heritage were in full display.

It opened with a high note: a Lion Dance presented by Austin Teo Chew Association. Legend has it that Lion Dancing, accompanied by drumming and fire crackers, chased away a monster named Nian (year in English), and that is where the Chinese New Year celebration came from. There was the cutest little dancing lion ever! The ethnic fashion show that followed presented the most unique and colorful costumes from many minority groups: Uighur, Mongol, Zhang, Taiwanese aboriginals, etc. The ACAN PAG models sashayed the stage and dazzled audiences to the tune of a beloved Chinese folk song. Tea master Tzu Chi’s Sisters demonstrated the meditation tea ceremony as a way of life. An internationally known artist and multi-award winner Aihe Guo exhibited his Tang SanCai – Tri-color Pottery which originated from the Tang Dynasty, some 1500 years ago.

The local middle and high school students’ performance of martial arts, Tai Chi, etc. were a big hit! In preparing for the ACCF, and as part of the campaign to carry out ACAN’s mission of “Foster our heritage”, ACAN invited experts on many different cultural subjects to local middle and high schools to teach Chinese cultural activities: Tai Chi, ethnic dance, Chinese painting and calligraphy, etc.. This project started in September 2018 and today students came to the Black Box theater to show what they have learned thus far.

On the wall just outside the theater were the winning pieces from the calligraphy competition, where more than 180 students from 11 schools participated. At the festival, ACAN president Mr. Peter Chao awarded the winners with certificates and prize money in red envelopes, following the tradition of Chinese New Year celebration.

Throughout the Showcase, the Black Box theater was packed. Many people complained that they could not even squeeze in. The extreme popularity of the Showcase showed that ACAN has achieved its goal in hosting the ACCF. ACAN members worked tirelessly for many months in preparing for the festival. The large crowd, the variety of participants, and the smiling faces are the best testimony of an effort well paid off!

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