ACAN SIW2019 Panel Discussion and Recruitment wrap up

By Rachel Jiang, 03/03/2019

SIW (Summer in Weishan ) is an ACAN-affiliated English Teaching and Exchange Summer Camp for high school students. These volunteering students travel to rural China – Weishan village in Yunnan province, to teach local students English and engage them in cultural exchanges.

Team SIW held a panel discussion on Jan 23rd 2019 in Austin. The meeting started with a quick introduction to the SIW program and the current status by founder Rachel Jiang. Following that, participants from SIW 2018 shared their unique and fascinating experiences. Some joked about their somewhat awkward but hilarious bathroom stories and others gave serious advices on effective teaching.

The audience was intrigued, engaged, and inspired. Even though it was a school night on Wednesday, some high schoolers still managed to squeeze the meeting into their busy schedule. For the ones absent, parents kept notes or recorded the session.

With the support of ACAN’s Educational Committee, the program has reached wider audience than before. This is reflected not only in the number of applicants but also their competitiveness. Each applicant had something special to offer. At this time, application for SIW 2019 is closed. Team SIW 2019 has been formed, and will start the preparation for its summer adventures in Weishan. 

It you would like to know more about SIW, please visit our website at:


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