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2021 华盟之星 (ACAN STAR) 颁奖典礼记实
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ACAN In Action – COVID-19 Relief Effort March 29, 2020
Defeat the Hunger, Defeat the Virus Camp Abbott, by 183 and Montopolis, is now a small tent city on a 5-acre tract housing about 200 homeless people. Managed by Texas Department of Public Safety and ATX HELPS, people here are experiencing significantly more hardships due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The coronavirus has not only brought…
February Treasurer Report
… This content is for 华盟会员(ACAN membership) members only.RegisterAlready a member? Log in here...
October 2021 Treasure Report
… This content is for 华盟会员(ACAN membership) members only.RegisterAlready a member? Log in here...
The Longest Year
I remember it clearly one year ago exactly: first it was the cancellation of SXSW after a 33-year continuous run, then the NBA season was suspended, and the WHO declared COVID19 a global pandemic, and then my son came home from UT Austin – and never went back.
ACAN Announced 2023 ACAN Star Leadership Award Winners
ACAN proudly announced that the following individuals and teams have been approved to receive the ACAN Star Leadership Award in 2023 for their contribution during the year of June 1st, 2022- May 31, 2023. Here is the list of the award recipients. Congratulations to all of them!