ACAN In Action – COVID-19 Relief Effort March 22, 2020

In this worst of times of Covid-19 pandemic, what exactly are “our capacities to be kind and generous, and to see beyond ourselves and our own interests”- Lawrence S. Bacow?

ACAN’s answer: a lot.

KIND and GENEROUS: How about the donation of >3500 face masks of various specs 100 medical goggles 100 protective suits 200 surgical caps from our members’ own family emergency supplies to Austin area medical professionals in urgent and desperate need of these PPEs so they can do their jobs – fight with this terrible virus and save lives? All this happened in 3 days.

SEE BEYOND OURSELVES AND OUR OWN INTERESTS Many of our members exhausted their family PPEs in this donation drive, while this enormous enemy is still a rapidly growing threat to our families and to our communities. What do we do? We make them, using our own hands. Yes, for the love of our families, of our communities, and of our common good, we’d donate our last face mask, and we’d make new ones with household materials, and with our own bare hands. And yes, we live This American Life, and it is a story worth telling.

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