华盟“领养”清理Commons Ford公园

Saturday August 11th, 2018 ACAN youth member Noah Liu directed a quarterly cleaning event at Commons Ford Ranch Metropolitan Park and conducted the adoption ceremony.

This is plogging event, the new running craze is saving the planet. Plogging is a fitness trend that originated in Sweden and means to pick up litter while jogging.  

Over 20 participants joined the event and collected several bags of bottles and trash along the river band, trails, and the bushes in the drizzle. A brief adoption ceremony was also conducted to anchor the Adopt A Creek sign at the park entrance. 

We hope all ACAN members can visit and enjoy the park in the near future. Thank you in advance for taking ownership of OUR park and keep it clean and beautiful!

2018年8月11日周六,华盟志愿者们在Commons Ford Ranch Metropolitan Park进行了一季一次的公园清理活动,并正式“领养”Adopt了这个公园。本公园的领养申请是华盟青少年Noah Liu通过Keep Austin Beautiful登记成功的。我们把这次活动叫Plogging。Plogging是一项正在全球开始流行的活动。它由一群热爱地球保护环境的瑞典慢跑爱好者发起,把Plocka upp(捡起)和jogging(慢跑)结合,旨在倡导个人健身的同时为保护和改善社区环境做贡献。

志愿者们在小雨中走遍公园的河畔、小路和树林,收集到不少废弃的饮料罐和垃圾。结束时,大家一起举行了华盟的Adopt a Park挂牌仪式,把奥斯汀市发给的华盟adopt commons ford公园的标志固定在公园门口。这个安静悠闲的公园已经成了华盟关爱的孩子,欢迎大家来这里钓鱼、游玩和野餐,并且像爱护自己的孩子一样爱护它,帮它保持清洁和美丽!


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