– 邱朝欣
[Noah Liu] Austin Chinese-American Network partnered with Texas Outdoor Family, a program under Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to host a private camping workshop for members on 9/7-8 at Inks Lake State Park. Our 18 participating families learned important camping and outdoor skills such as setting up a campsite, building a fire, and cooking outdoors. Participants also had the chance to go kayaking, hiking, fishing, stargazing and geocaching within the park. Our families all enjoyed the event greatly, especially the children! We hope that we can organize a similar event sometime in the future.
[撰稿 涌波 春平; 摄影 华盟义工] 一年前,当华盟决定筹办2019奥斯汀首届中华文化节之后,理事会就开始了各种筹备工作。华盟根据 需要,设立了不同的小组,分别负责各项活动。风味小吃美食街,新春游园活动和中国特色礼品售卖是 其中三个重头戏。
[撰稿 明清] 2017年9月17日星期日,奥斯汀的气温仍在酷夏的边缘徘徊,但这并不妨碍奥斯汀华裔联盟实施融入社区贡献社会的举措。 本着爱护环境,造福人类的的初衷,在华盟理事刘炜和赵采姣的倡议和组织下,奥斯汀华裔联盟的义工们参加了Keep Austin Beautiful Lake Travis Cleanup活动。为了组织好这次活动,华盟组织者事先通过微信渠道给予全体义工有关指导和具体安排,并提供了全部工作必需用品。充分保证了活动的安全性,也确定了参与者行为的规范化。
[撰文 明清] 过年是我们中华民族的一件隆重的大事,而过年时回到久别的家乡吃团圆饭和看大戏,却是每位华人游子的最大心愿。在欢庆二零一八春节之际, 由奥斯汀华裔联盟和奥斯汀湖南同乡会联合主办,百人义工协力推出的奥斯汀旺年春节晚会,于二月十七日晚把一台约三百人的团圆大餐和春节大戏唱到了我们自己的家门口。奥市的春晚虽然不及中国传统春晚的规模,然而,其以美食和歌舞为主打,融入游艺活动和幸运大送奖的多元化形式,比传统春晚更胜一筹。更重要的是,这是我们自己的春晚!
After 3 years of interruptions, Austin Chinese Culture Festival (ACCF) finally returns to the Lunar New Year season to celebrate the arrival of the Year of Rabbit. We cordially invite you and your loved ones to the beautiful Brentwood Christian School campus 12pm – 6pm on Saturday February 11, to experience activities steeped in traditional Chinese cultural elements: dragon and lion dance, Asian cuisines, authentic Chinese cultural exhibits, crafts, photo booths, games, and of course, extraordinary live performances!
You can donate to Austin Chinese-American Network (ACAN), a 501(c)(3) organization, for greater Austin area COVID-19 relief effort, using any of the following methods to pay to ACAN.Chinese@gmail.com:
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