
Austin, Texas, May 1, 2017:  奧斯汀华裔联盟的会徽征集比赛已经圆满结束。理事会经过充分的讨论,选定了会徽如下:

本次华盟会徽的征集比赛受到华人朋友的踊跃支持,收到本地和外地朋友许多参赛作品。作者有成人,也有中学学生。参赛的作品总体水准很高,佳作良多。 为公平起见,  刘炜理事把参赛作者信息完全屏蔽,由理事会所有其他成员进行两轮无记名投票,选出三件获奖作品。 为选定正式的会徽,理事会成员们仔细比较获奖作品,并参考其它参赛作品的亮点,确定了上图的设计为华盟的法定会徽。

华盟理事会一致认为,这个图案简洁大方,过目难忘;既可放大,也可缩小使用,方便用于各种文件,也容易在其它材料上打印。 会徽中心的360桥的图案既有地方特色,又反映华盟为华人社区搭桥服务的宗旨。这个会徽是在刘炜理事的获奖作品的基础上,参考了刘芳栀同学参赛作品而形成的。刘炜和刘芳栀同学将平分 $200 的奖金。

另外,三位获奖作品的作者:刘炜(奥斯汀),杨军(中国深圳),赵勇(奥斯汀)将各获得 $50 奖金。 其它参赛作品各有特色,体现了作者们普遍的高超艺术造诣。 理事会特此表彰下列作者:Rebecca Lin, Jessica Lin, Irene Jiang, Mindy Maung, Kevin Luo, Jerry Lin。

理事会借此良机再一次向所有关心和支持奧斯汀华裔联盟的朋友们表示衷心的感谢!华盟成立一个月,已经有一百多个会员注册登记。因为大部分会员为家庭会员,华盟的实际会员人数已经接近三百人。一个月来,华盟的丰富多彩的娱乐,教育,社区公益活动都已陆续展开。华盟欢迎所有朋友加入我们的团体,通过联盟这个平台,为本地的华人同胞们提供更广泛和高效的服务,共创多姿多彩的美好生活。如有意愿参加奧斯汀华裔联盟, 请点击 “加入华盟”。 如有任何问题, 敬请发送邮件至    acan.members@gmail.com


ACAN Official Logo Announcement

Austin, Texas, May 1, 2017:  The Austin Chinese-American Network logo design contest concluded with a great success. After detailed review and evaluation, ACAN board of directors announced the official logo for the organization as shown above.

The ACAN logo contest enjoyed enthusiastic responses from the community.   Participating artists range from middle schoolers to adults and from local friends to friends abroad.  Many excellent artworks make it rather difficult to select three winners only.  In order to warrant a fair competition, ACAN director Wei Liu presented all participating artworks to the other eighteen ACAN board members with no author information.  ACAN board of directors, excluding Mr. Wei Liu, conducted two rounds of anonymous votes to arrive at three winning designs.  The winners who will receive $50 cash award each are: Wei Liu (Austin), Jun Yang (Shenzhen, China), Yong Zhao (Austin).  In addition, the following participating artists shall be complimented for their impressive art works: Rebecca Lin, Jessica Lin, Irene Jiang, Mindy Maung, Kevin Luo, and Jerry Lin.

In order to select a best design for the ACAN official logo, board of directors conducted another round of due diligence by comparing all winning designs and other participating designs.  A design based on Mr. Wei Liu’s winning art work, enhanced with an outstanding characteristic in Miss Gardenia Liu’s art work, was unanimously selected as the official ACAN logo, as shown above.  Mr. Wei Liu and Miss Gardenia Liu will share a $200 cash award.

ACAN board of directors agreed that the selected official logo is simple but elegant, impressive and memorable.  It is easily scalable and can print well on various media and other hosting materials (for example, on T-shirts and coffee mugs.)  The bridge in the logo center reminds viewers of the bridge on the Highway 360, an Austin landmark.  Furthermore, the bridge symbolizes ACAN’s mission of connecting and serving all Austin Chinese-American.

The ACAN board of directors would like to thank all friends for the enthusiastic support to the new organization.  Since the formal establishment in March, ACAN has grown to more than one hundred registered membership accounts that cover almost three hundreds of individual members.  ACAN has also organized many activities for community services, education, entertainment and social networking.  ACAN sincerely welcome all community members to join our organization and support our cause.  Utilizing the ACAN platform, we will work together to serve the community and to chart a brighter future for our fellow Chinese-Americans.  To get involved, please click on “Become A Member”.  For more information please email   acan.members@gmail.com .

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