奥城高中牵手中国武术 Chinese Martial Arts in Austin Schools

【撰稿  明清 摄影 学校老师及义工】

[中国武术]名扬天下。它的重要代表形式 – [中国功夫]不仅将技击寓于搏斗运动与套路运动之中,还具有内外合一,形神兼备的民族风格。[中国功夫]在西方国家的青少年中有一定的影响力。从当年影坛的李小龙到现代的成龙,那些震撼人心的不凡身手,深受美国民众的青睐。

奥斯汀华裔联盟(ACAN)近期在奥斯汀地区高中进行的中国文化推广活动,使美国孩子们与神秘高深的[中国武术]有机会牵手。这项推广活动包括了[中国功夫],[太极拳],和[太极功夫扇]三部分。目前,LASA, Dominic Savio Catholic,Westwood, Round Rock 四所高中参与了这项推广活动。

参与[中国武术]教学的老师和义工:  吴晶,黄先生,龍凤老師,若水,德奥杰森,郭芳,锺斌,胡佩仪,和夏放等同胞不遗余力地把[中国武术]的精彩带进了美国中学课堂。同时,他们还慷慨的捐赠或借出了上课所需的部分教学工具,保证学生们都有机会参与练习活动。


Chinese martial arts are well-known in the world. It has many forms. One of the most famous forms is Chinese Kung Fu. Chinese Kung Fu puts the martial arts in the wrestling movement routines. The unique style actually combines the internal with the external, in form and in spirit. Chinese Kung Fu is popular among young people in Western countries, largely thanks to the Kung Fu movie industry. From Bruce Lee in 1970s to Jackie Chan in modern era, the general public is fascinated by their spectacular Kung Fu moves.

ACAN’s Chinese cultural promotion campaign in the Greater Austin area schools provided American children an opportunity to experience Chinese martial arts first hand. Specifically, volunteer instructors are teaching students three forms of Chinese martial arts. These three forms are: Chinese Kung Fu, Tai Chi, and Tai Chi Kung Fu fan. Currently, there are four participating high schools: LASA, Dominic Savio Catholic, Westwood, and Round Rock.

The volunteers for Chinese martial arts program include: Wu Jing, Mr. Huang, Long Feng, Ruo Shui, Deo Jason, Guo Fang, Zhong Bin, Hu Peiyi and Xia Fang. Our volunteers have spent a lot of time and put endless efforts to bringing the wonderful Chinese martial arts to classrooms. They also generously donated and lent equipment to ensure that every student has the opportunity to participate in practice sessions.

From the tranquility of Tai Chi to the mighty power of Chinese Kung Fu, the students had a glimpse of Chinese martial arts through these classes. Chinese martial arts are a prime example demonstrating the breadth and depth of Chinese culture. Through practicing Chinese martial arts in various forms, students experienced various aspects of Chinese culture and became more appreciative to the heritage.


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