新闻发布 奧斯汀华裔联盟第二次理事会公告

【邱朝欣 撰稿】Austin, Texas, 2017年8月18日。 奧斯汀华裔联盟于 2017年8月5日 召开了第一届理事会第二次全体会议。会议由会长赵俊达(Peter Chao)先生主持。与会理事们听取了秘书长许瑾(Jean Shaw)女士关于华盟成立以来的工作小结和财务长魏文峰(Wendy Wei)女士关于联盟的财务工作报告。各个功能委员会的主任委员也向理事会报告了下一阶段工作的规划。


  • 成功获得联邦税务局501(c)(3) 资格认证;
  • 发展了近200付费会员(因大部分为家庭会员,实际会员人数已经超过400多人);
  • 建立了十多个不同主题的微信朋友群;
  • 分别在教育,社区服务,会员社交,休闲娱乐等方面组织了三十多次各种活动,以及各类课程,为近5000总人次的华人朋友提供服务。


各个功能委员会的主任委员们也向理事会汇报了下一阶段的工作规划。会员关系委员会主任委员赵采姣(CJ Zhao)女士介绍了发展商务会员和招募商务赞助的计划。赵俊达会长解释说,来自商界的赞助将使联盟有更充足的资金支持更多面向华人需要的服务项目,开展更丰富多彩的活动以弘扬中华文化,凝聚华人力量。艺术委员会主任委员赵桂云 (Gwen Zhao)女士则向理事们介绍了举办春节联欢晚会的构想。赵桂云女士说,奥斯汀地区华人在表演艺术领域人才济济,完全有能力在春节期间举办一场高质量的晚会,既可为广大华人提供一个欢庆传统佳节的场合,又可以向华人以外的朋友们宣扬中华文化传统。理事会赞同筹办春节联欢晚会并建议尽可能联络其他亚裔社团共襄盛举。休闲委员会主任委员刘炜(Wei Liu)先生报告了举办金秋烧烤聚会及社区服务的活动规划。教育委员会主任委员钱向红(Angela Qian)女士也向理事会汇报了关于面向高中学生的系列讲座计划。这些规划都获得理事会的热烈反响。会议期间,会长赵俊达先生,副会长张铭聪(Darda Chang先生也和理事们商讨了改进华盟网站和开发更多对外宣传渠道的设想。


Austin, Texas, August 18, 2017: The board of directors of the Austin Chinese-American Network held its second meeting on August 5, 2017.  The meeting was hosted by the ACAN president, Mr. Peter Chao, and was attended by all board members.  The board members reviewed a report by the ACAN secretary-general, Ms. Jean Shaw, on the current state of the organization and a report by the ACAN treasurer, Ms. Wendy Wei, on the organization budget and financial state.  Other functional committee chairs also presented plans for ACAN’s next phase.  

Based on Ms. Shaw’s report, the board pleasantly noted that ACAN has achieved huge progresses in merely five months since its establishment.  ACAN’s achievements include,

  • Received IRS approval as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization;
  • Accepted almost 200 paid membership accounts that cover more than 400 individual members;
  • Established more than ten WeChat social groups focusing on various areas of member interests;
  • Sponsored and organized more than 30 various events and classes for ACAN members and the Chinese community at large, serving almost 5000 total attendances.

Ms. Wei reported that the ACAN expenses are in line with budget and the overall cash flow is well balanced.  This is due to the fact that all organizational works and activities are run by volunteers, including board members, with no pay.  The board is very thankful to all supporting ACAN members and community friends.  The board members proudly agreed that these achievements are strong testimonies of ACAN’s mission for community unity, service and education.

Other functional committee chairs followed to present their next phase plans, respectively.  Ms. CJ Zhao, the chair of the ACAN membership committee presented plans to solicit business supports in the form of business memberships and business sponsorships.  Mr. Chao commented that business support will provide ACAN with much stronger financial foundation.  It will allow ACAN to develop more services to meet the needs of the Austin Chinese-American community and to sponsor more high-quality educational events to promote the cultural awareness and community solidarity. Ms. Gwen Zhao, the chair of the ACAN arts committee presented a plan for a Chinese New Year gala.  She explained that there is a huge pool of performing art talents in the Austin Chinese-American community.  ACAN should be able to organize a gala with high quality programs during the traditional Chinese New Year.  It will provide a venue for the Chinese community to celebrate their most important holiday of a year.  It can also offer a great opportunity for ACAN to introduce the Chinese culture to fellow citizens.   The board agreed with the arts committee’s proposal and suggested that ACAN should contact other local Chinese-American organizations and explore opportunities for a joint Chinese New Year celebration.  Mr. Wei Liu, the chair of the ACAN entertainment and community service committee presented plans for a series of volunteering services and a plan for a Fall BBQ picnic party.  Ms. Angela Qian, the chair of the ACAN education committee, also presented a plan for a series of seminars for high school Chinese-American students addressing college application, college living, career path planning and leadership development.  Most of these seminars, explained Ms. Qian, will be held in the form of panel discussions with Chinese-American college students who are willing to share personal experiences and insights.  Both presentations were warmly received by the board.  During the meeting, Mr. Chao and Mr. Darda Chang, the ACAN vice president, led an in-depth discussion on a plan to improve the ACAN website and to develop additional communication channels by utilizing advanced social networking technologies.     

Again, the board pledged that ACAN will devote itself to serving local Chinese-American community, to promoting Chinese-American unity and solidarity, and to protecting rights and interests of the Chinese-Americans.  ACAN strives to raise awareness of Chinese culture, to promote Chinese-American interest in public affairs, to encourage participations in community services, and to develop community leaders.  ACAN sincerely invites local community members who share our vision to join our organization and support our cause.  Utilizing the ACAN platform, we will work together to chart a brighter future for our fellow Chinese-Americans.  For more information or to get involved, please visit

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