Upcoming ACAN Mid-Autumn Performance Show

Dear friends, since the Shang Dynasty (c.1600-1046 BCE), Chinese people have celebrated the harvest during the autumn full moon. The tradition of mid-autumn celebration originally began with worshiping mountain deities after the harvest was completed. The celebration gained popularity during the Tang dynasty (618 – 907 CE). The legend of Chang’e, also known as the…


华盟快讯:2019年6月21日,奥斯汀华裔联盟收到市文化艺术发展局来函,正式批准了华盟所申请的2018年社区倡议基金项目。这份基金将全部用于华盟正在筹办的 9 月22日中秋文艺晚会。华盟副会长兼艺术委员会主任张铭聪先生说:“这份基金为华盟的中秋晚会提供了坚实的财务基础。它将使我们的晚会在艺术水平,软件及硬件准备方面都更加游刃有余。” 据了解,华盟为2019 年度文化传统基金项目的申请也进展顺利,有望于今年晚些时候听到回复。2019 年度文化传统基金项目将用来支撑计划于明年二月举办的2019奥城中华文化节。 ACAN News: On June 21, 2018, the Austin Chinese-American Network received a notification from the City of Austin Cultural Arts Division. The letter confirmed that the ACAN has been awarded a Community Initiative Grant. The grant will be used to develop the ACAN Mid-Autumn Chinese Performance Show on September…