President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA)
Important Update
Starting from 2022, we are simplifying the application process for the President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) and the ACAN Star Leadership Award (ASLA). Please read the blog post here.
PVSA Application
2024 Application is now opened! Please click this link and read descriptions before you complete the form. The deadline is August 31, 2024.
For any questions about PVSA, please email
Clarification about ACAN Membership
Previously the eligibility rule stated, “You must be a registered member of ACAN for the 12-month time period that is requested. ” To better serve our community members, ACAN Youth Committee decided to revise this to be “You must be a registered member of ACAN ON or Before the date you submit the application.” Meaning, the applicants or their parents MUST check with ACAN Membership Committee to make sure their membership status is CURRENT before they submit application.
What’s the PVSA?
In 2003, the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation founded the President’s Volunteer Service Award to recognize the important role of volunteers in America’s strength and national identity. This award honors individuals whose service positively impacts communities in every corner of the nation and inspires those around them to take action, too.
The PVSA has continued under each administration, honoring the volunteers who are using their time and talents to solve some of the toughest challenges facing our nation.
Led by the AmeriCorps and managed in partnership with Points of Light, this program allows Certifying Organizations to recognize their most exceptional volunteers.
What is the benefit of earning PVSA?
The President’s Volunteer Service Award is a prestigious national honor that highlights your commitment to serving the community and the nation. To high school students, this award not only improves your resume for college applications and future job applications but also allows you to inspire others to follow in your footsteps – to contribute to their communities through volunteer service and to make volunteer service a central part of their lives.
The President’s Volunteer Service Award Levels include bronze, silver, gold, and the highest honor, the President’s Lifetime Achievement Award for those who contribute more than 4,000 hours of service in their lifetime. Please see the hours requirements for each level below.

Bronze, Silver and Gold Packages include:
- Customized certificate
- Choice of pin, coin, or medallion
- Congratulatory letter from the president

Who is eligible to receive the PVSA?
1. ACAN registered members. You must be a registered member of ACAN ON or Before the date you submit the application.” If you are unsure of your membership status, please confirm with ACAN Member Committee. To register a new ACAN membership, please visit
2. U.S. Citizens and Permanent Legal Residents.
Applicants Must:
1. Have documented the minimum number of hours of volunteer service completed between a 12-month award year of June 1 and May 31
2. Submit volunteer hours and all related documents through the application form, verified by supervisor(s) and/or sponsors
What does NOT count toward a PVSA certified by ACAN?
- Paid service of any kind
- Donating funds
- Political lobbying (Non-partisan voter registration is an eligible activity)
- Religious instruction
- Conducting worship service
- Proselytizing
- Volunteer service performed as part of court-ordered community service
- Serving only family members
Examples of qualifying volunteer work include, but are not limited to:
- Any unpaid volunteer activities with a qualifying non-profit, government, or community organization
- ACAN-sponsored service-learning opportunities
What’s the deadline?
The award is given for service between June 1-May 31 of every year. All hours must be verified and submitted by August 31
How do I receive my Award?
Applicants will receive an invitation to the Award Ceremony either in person or online. ACAN board of directors responsible for PVSA will make sure to deliver the Award to the recipients.
Who should I contact if I have any questions?
Frequent Asked Questions
Question: 华盟总统义工服务奖是从6月1日到5月31日,如何计算我的age category?
Answer:From PVSA website: “Age category is determined by the age a volunteer is for at least 7 months out of a designated 12-month award period.” 比如,如果你的生日是8/11/2007,那么在2022年6月1日到2023年5月31日之间,你有10个月时间是15岁,所以你会是在15岁的age category,而不是16岁。
Answer:是指在6月1日到5月31日的总小时数。总统义工服务奖是一年一发。超过了一年时限就不能再发。From PVSA website: “We want to ensure the volunteer work is current; therefore, the PVSA program will accept hours from the past one year only.”
Question: 可否补申请?
Answer:总统义工服务奖是一年一发。超过了一年时限就不能再发。From PVSA website: “We want to ensure the volunteer work is current; therefore, the PVSA program will accept hours from the past one year only.”
Question: 这个服务小时数可以是两个公益组织还是必须是一个组织的总和呢?对公益组织有什么要求吗?比如我孩子在FOOD BANK 和我们小区的图书馆做,这个符合要求吗?
Answer:可以是多个公益组织。Food Bank和图书馆都符合要求。
Question: 申请这些奖项需要提供什么材料?服务单位的签字表格证明还需要提供什么吗?
Answer: 从2023年申请季开始,华盟只会接受通过GivePulse核实的服务小时数。即便不是华盟的项目,你也可以通过 Add Impact的功能要求项目的负责人(成年人)核实。核实过的小时数都会体现在青少年的账号里。在申请的时候,确保截屏上面体现青少年的姓名,以及项目和小时数。
Question: 任何十二个月都可以吗?还是必须6/1-5/31?
Answer:华盟的总统义工服务奖的统计期限必须是 6/1-5/31。
Question: When counting volunteer hours, do you count just the time volunteered, or do you also count the time it took to travel to the volunteer job?
Answer:The time spends on transit to the volunteer job is not counted as service hours.
Answer:华盟主要track几类情况,包括参加所有501c公益组织的活动,学校组织的义工活动,家长或者孩子自己组织的团体活动,比如去老人院为老人们义演等。如果孩子有特别的义工项目是想个人完成的,可以向华盟青少年委员会申请立项,如果被批准通过,华盟会为孩子配备mentor or sponsor,之后在执行这个project 时的时间就可以算义工hours了。