January Treasurer Report
We are excited to announce that our last singing session scheduled for this Sunday! It was an amazing interactive experience, bringing us closer together through the power of music. Singing and playing together creates a strong bond among us. Join us for a fun and unique experience during our upcoming singing session on 6/17 and…
【Sherry 中文编译:西红柿】摄影 华盟义工 中医(药)TCM起源于中国古代,到今天已有数千年的历史。它涵盖了中草药,食疗,以及从精神意念到全身各处方方面面的疾病诊治和预防,如针灸,按摩,太极等。中医(药)不但在中国被广为应用于防病治病,而且近年来在西方社会也渐受追捧。 不久前,在一项由Austin Chinese-American Network 发起和资助, 由来自大Austin区域8所高中学生参加的活动中(Connelly HS, Canyon Vista HS, Westwood HS, Round Rock HS, LASA, Glenn HS, Cedar Park HS, Dominic Savio Catholic HS), 学生们得以有机会与中医师们攀谈,并涉足这一起自远古的科学理念,了解它的发展史,它的诊治方法,以及它独到的疗效。医师们还演示了针灸的过程,学生中更不乏勇敢的尝试者。在为期半天的时间里,所有参加活动的学生都对中医药产生了浓厚的兴趣,同时也认识到了今天在这里推广它可谓意益深远!
… This content is for 华盟会员(ACAN membership) members only.RegisterAlready a member? Log in here...
… This content is for 华盟会员(ACAN membership) members only.RegisterAlready a member? Log in here...
Watch a short video to learn about the ACAN Youth Projects for 2024. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJ2Siut26nU
Congratulations to the Rise Together team as their project entered the final round of Project of the Year Award, hosted by the Civic Leadership Academy. The Project of the Year Award is an opportunity to highlight and award young students and civicilly engaged organizations from across the U.S. This year, there are 50 projects submitted…
We are excited to announce that our last singing session scheduled for this Sunday! It was an amazing interactive experience, bringing us closer together through the power of music. Singing and playing together creates a strong bond among us. Join us for a fun and unique experience during our upcoming singing session on 6/17 and…
【Sherry 中文编译:西红柿】摄影 华盟义工 中医(药)TCM起源于中国古代,到今天已有数千年的历史。它涵盖了中草药,食疗,以及从精神意念到全身各处方方面面的疾病诊治和预防,如针灸,按摩,太极等。中医(药)不但在中国被广为应用于防病治病,而且近年来在西方社会也渐受追捧。 不久前,在一项由Austin Chinese-American Network 发起和资助, 由来自大Austin区域8所高中学生参加的活动中(Connelly HS, Canyon Vista HS, Westwood HS, Round Rock HS, LASA, Glenn HS, Cedar Park HS, Dominic Savio Catholic HS), 学生们得以有机会与中医师们攀谈,并涉足这一起自远古的科学理念,了解它的发展史,它的诊治方法,以及它独到的疗效。医师们还演示了针灸的过程,学生中更不乏勇敢的尝试者。在为期半天的时间里,所有参加活动的学生都对中医药产生了浓厚的兴趣,同时也认识到了今天在这里推广它可谓意益深远!
… This content is for 华盟会员(ACAN membership) members only.RegisterAlready a member? Log in here...
… This content is for 华盟会员(ACAN membership) members only.RegisterAlready a member? Log in here...
Watch a short video to learn about the ACAN Youth Projects for 2024. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJ2Siut26nU
Congratulations to the Rise Together team as their project entered the final round of Project of the Year Award, hosted by the Civic Leadership Academy. The Project of the Year Award is an opportunity to highlight and award young students and civicilly engaged organizations from across the U.S. This year, there are 50 projects submitted…
We are excited to announce that our last singing session scheduled for this Sunday! It was an amazing interactive experience, bringing us closer together through the power of music. Singing and playing together creates a strong bond among us. Join us for a fun and unique experience during our upcoming singing session on 6/17 and…
【Sherry 中文编译:西红柿】摄影 华盟义工 中医(药)TCM起源于中国古代,到今天已有数千年的历史。它涵盖了中草药,食疗,以及从精神意念到全身各处方方面面的疾病诊治和预防,如针灸,按摩,太极等。中医(药)不但在中国被广为应用于防病治病,而且近年来在西方社会也渐受追捧。 不久前,在一项由Austin Chinese-American Network 发起和资助, 由来自大Austin区域8所高中学生参加的活动中(Connelly HS, Canyon Vista HS, Westwood HS, Round Rock HS, LASA, Glenn HS, Cedar Park HS, Dominic Savio Catholic HS), 学生们得以有机会与中医师们攀谈,并涉足这一起自远古的科学理念,了解它的发展史,它的诊治方法,以及它独到的疗效。医师们还演示了针灸的过程,学生中更不乏勇敢的尝试者。在为期半天的时间里,所有参加活动的学生都对中医药产生了浓厚的兴趣,同时也认识到了今天在这里推广它可谓意益深远!
… This content is for 华盟会员(ACAN membership) members only.RegisterAlready a member? Log in here...
… This content is for 华盟会员(ACAN membership) members only.RegisterAlready a member? Log in here...
Watch a short video to learn about the ACAN Youth Projects for 2024. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJ2Siut26nU
Congratulations to the Rise Together team as their project entered the final round of Project of the Year Award, hosted by the Civic Leadership Academy. The Project of the Year Award is an opportunity to highlight and award young students and civicilly engaged organizations from across the U.S. This year, there are 50 projects submitted…
You can donate to Austin Chinese-American Network (ACAN), a 501(c)(3) organization, for greater Austin area COVID-19 relief effort, using any of the following methods to pay to ACAN.Chinese@gmail.com:
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