ACAN to host Austin Chinese Culture Festival (ACCF 2023)
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ACAN to host Austin Chinese Culture Festival (ACCF 2023)

After 3 years of interruptions, Austin Chinese Culture Festival (ACCF) finally returns to the Lunar New Year season to celebrate the arrival of the Year of Rabbit. We cordially invite you and your loved ones to the beautiful Brentwood Christian School campus 12pm – 6pm on Saturday February 11, to experience activities steeped in traditional Chinese cultural elements: dragon and lion dance, Asian cuisines, authentic Chinese cultural exhibits, crafts, photo booths, games, and of course, extraordinary live performances!

ACAN to host 2022 Austin Chinese Culture Festival on May 7th at Brentwood Christian School

ACAN to host 2022 Austin Chinese Culture Festival on May 7th at Brentwood Christian School

After a pandemic stoppage last year, Austin Chinese-American Network is resuming our annual tradition by throwing a big (free) party – Austin Chinese Culture Festival on Saturday May 7th from 12 to 6pm, on the beautiful Brentwood Christian School campus. In the middle of the Year of the Tiger, we are continuing the New Year’s celebration: dragon dance, Asian cuisines for purchase from various local restaurants, authentic Chinese cultural exhibits, crafts, photo booths and games, and awesome live performances from many local performing art organizations! Perfect for anyone, but particularly well-suited for families with young kids to loiter around on a meticulously maintained campus. Stop by, drop in anytime in the afternoon to have fun, and visit with community organizations and sponsoring businesses! With loud dragon dance, lion roars and Chinese gongs, let’s give COVID-19 a proper send-off, for good!

ACAN Member Holiday Fundraising Drive ACAN会员年终筹款活动

Dear ACAN members, It is that time of the year, finally, after a long and brutal Texas summer that I thought was going to go on forever. Roast turkey and pumpkin pie, jingle bells and mistletoes – yes indeed, it’ll soon be the holiday season once again. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of…



撰稿 懒橡树摄影 华盟摄影师 借你素颜凝脂,秀我巧手覆云。2月28日傍晚,奥斯汀华裔联盟艺术团化妆群群主林碧再次吹响集结号,20几位美女辣妈聚集在The Heritage at Hunters Chase老年中心活动室参加由唐莉莉(Liliya)主讲的舞台化妆讲座。


《辛勤义工是英雄》 -奥斯汀华盟2019中华文化节-义工侧记

[撰稿 新苗;摄影 华盟义工] 从2月16日开始在奥村见到华人朋友难得会不提起ACCF(奥斯汀中国文化节),可见一斑它的影响力。 下午的文化活动和晚上的艺术表演吸引了那众多的游客。大厅里人潮涌动,游客们挤着跑着拥抱着朋友,热情的问候,愉快地分享美食。只感觉熙熙攘攘,人山人海,可是又,井井有条,忙而不乱。如果你随意的穿过那节日盛装就会看到在后排忙碌的华盟义工,恍然明白这欢快的场面原来是这众多义工朋友的无私奉献换来的!

Austin Chinese Culture Festival (ACCF)

Austin Chinese Culture Festival (ACCF)

Date: February 16, 2019 Location: AISD PAC The Austin Chinese-American Network (ACAN) will partner with local schools, Asian American organizations, and popular Chinese restaurants to present the Austin Chinese Culture Festival (ACCF). The ACCF will include a culinary festival, cultural showcases and exhibits, and a stunning performance, you can enjoy them all on February 16…

Meet Our Mayor

[Reporter: Huimin Zhao Video production: Lee Dedear]   Video Link:   On July 24th, 2018, as part of a series to foster Chinese-American community involvement, ACAN interviewed Austin Mayor Steve Adler in the city hall. The purpose of the interview was to showcase our fast-growing Chinese-American community organization, ACAN, to the mayor. The interview…

奥斯汀华盟关于会员建立账号和续会的通知 – ACAN invite you to register and renew membership on the new system

Please scroll down to see the English version. 奥斯汀华盟在各位会员的参与和支持下,本着服务社区,传承文化的宗旨,在一年半时间里超计划完成了大量的社区服务工作,并成为奥斯汀有影响力的华人社团。华盟的成长有目共睹,而我们都是这个美好的成长故事中的一员。关于华盟成立一年多来的回顾,请看这个短片: 随着会员人数的增长,华盟目前的人工资料管理方式已经不能满足需求,大家从频繁的会员号的询问中就可见一斑。为此华盟理事会同意并推动建立了会员自助登录系统,现在我们请求每位会员都在新系统中建立自己的账号,以简化大家以后购票,续会及统计的操作。 建立会员账号用以下链接:


【慧敏、海舟撰稿】 2018年7月24日,作为奥斯汀华裔联盟带领华裔社群参与奥斯汀社区系列活动之一,华盟(ACAN)在市政厅采访了市长斯蒂夫·阿德勒。该访问旨在向市长正式介绍奥斯汀华裔联盟,让奥城华裔对话市长,分享市政府对奥城城市发展的展望,征求指导意见让亚裔尤其是华裔如何在奥城发展中发挥更大作用。


华盟快讯:2019年6月21日,奥斯汀华裔联盟收到市文化艺术发展局来函,正式批准了华盟所申请的2018年社区倡议基金项目。这份基金将全部用于华盟正在筹办的 9 月22日中秋文艺晚会。华盟副会长兼艺术委员会主任张铭聪先生说:“这份基金为华盟的中秋晚会提供了坚实的财务基础。它将使我们的晚会在艺术水平,软件及硬件准备方面都更加游刃有余。” 据了解,华盟为2019 年度文化传统基金项目的申请也进展顺利,有望于今年晚些时候听到回复。2019 年度文化传统基金项目将用来支撑计划于明年二月举办的2019奥城中华文化节。 ACAN News: On June 21, 2018, the Austin Chinese-American Network received a notification from the City of Austin Cultural Arts Division. The letter confirmed that the ACAN has been awarded a Community Initiative Grant. The grant will be used to develop the ACAN Mid-Autumn Chinese Performance Show on September…


[海舟撰稿] 中国新年戊戌狗年大年初五,奥斯汀华人联盟数位成员在理事赵C J 倡议,会长赵俊达, Angela Qian夫妇的带领下,来到奥斯汀市八号街救助联盟Salvation Army的无家可归者暂住中心,带去华人传统春节的祝福,并为那里的人们提供了一次前所未有的节日体验。 华盟经过数周与市中心救助联盟中心负责人Donna的反复沟通和细致准备工作,得到华盟商务会员Lucy Yang 和Bruce Ge的慷慨赞助,带去50个$5红包和$270的家庭游戏。大家用鲜艳的新年装饰与大红桌布,把暂住中心的餐厅打扮成春晚现场,用投影仪与电脑播放热闹非凡的中国春晚节目,立刻吸引了那里的所有人。

ACAN Mission Statement

The specific objectives and purpose of this Corporation are to, but not limited to: Provide enrichment learning activities to promote Chinese-American’s unity and solidarity; Provide a variety of education services to meet the needs of the Austin’s Chinese-American community; Provide information sessions and activities to raise the awareness of Chinese culture; Provide information sessions and…

奥斯汀华盟 LOGO 设计比赛通知

一、活动主题 奥斯汀华裔联盟 于2017年3月9日正式成立了。英文名称为 Austin Chinese-American Network, 简称ACAN。根据联盟的章程, 奧斯汀华裔联盟将致力于服务本地华人社区,通过组织丰富多彩 的活动以促进华人社区的交流和相互理解, 以此弘扬中华文化,维护华人权益,增强华人群体的凝聚力。 华裔联盟在此向全体奥斯汀华人征求会标设计,特举办一次会标设计大赛(logo design contest)。鼓励有美术特长人士包括中小学生踊跃参与(每人限作品一幅)。

新闻发布: 奧斯汀华裔联盟正式成立

Austin, Texas, March 10, 2017。(邱朝欣撰稿):  经过充分的筹备工作,奧斯汀华裔联盟于 2017年3月9日 召开了第一届理事会全体会议。与会理事们审定并签署了理事会成立文件。至此,奧斯汀华裔联盟 (Austin Chinese-American Network ,简称 ACAN),一个独立的非赢利组织,正式宣告成立。