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Second Meeting of the 2018 Austin Chinese-American Network (ACAN) Board of Directors
Austin, TX, October 5, 2018: The Austin Chinese American Network (ACAN) held its second board meeting of 2018 on October 5. ACAN President Mr. Peter Chao and three Vice Presidents, Mr. Charles Qiu, Mr. Darda Chang, and Ms. Caijiao Zhao spoke at the meeting, respectively. As members of the leadership team, they emphasized the significance…
奥斯汀华盟关于会员建立账号和续会的通知 – ACAN invite you to register and renew membership on the new system
Please scroll down to see the English version. 奥斯汀华盟在各位会员的参与和支持下,本着服务社区,传承文化的宗旨,在一年半时间里超计划完成了大量的社区服务工作,并成为奥斯汀有影响力的华人社团。华盟的成长有目共睹,而我们都是这个美好的成长故事中的一员。关于华盟成立一年多来的回顾,请看这个短片: 随着会员人数的增长,华盟目前的人工资料管理方式已经不能满足需求,大家从频繁的会员号的询问中就可见一斑。为此华盟理事会同意并推动建立了会员自助登录系统,现在我们请求每位会员都在新系统中建立自己的账号,以简化大家以后购票,续会及统计的操作。 建立会员账号用以下链接:
PRESS RELEASE: 2019-nCoV and ACCF2020
By now, we are sure everyone is very much tuned in to the public health emergency that is engulfing China, and to a lesser degree, yet increasingly, the rest of the world. In the past couple of weeks, we have witnessed with a heavy heart a huge swath of Central China locked down, impacting tens of millions of people during what is traditionally the most festive and most intimate time of the year. From a distance of thousands of miles, we can still acutely feel the worries, the pains, and the desperations of our families, friends, and fellow countrymen across the ocean.
撰稿:Angela Qian,新苗 图片:华盟会员 难以相信2019年马上就要向我们告别了。十二月15日华盟理事们欢聚一堂,完成了今年最后一次理事会。 理事们回顾了一年的发展,总结经验也相互庆祝这一年里华盟为推广自己宗旨的成功!