奥斯汀华盟关于会员建立账号和续会的通知 – ACAN invite you to register and renew membership on the new system

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请选择您目前已有的会员种类(家庭或个人),然后按要求选择用户名,密码并提供其它少量信息。我们会根据记录在以后设定您的会员有效期。在2017年九月及以前参加的会员目前已经到了续会时间,请在建立账号时提供付款方式以缴纳会费。其他会员请输入优惠码(discount code) RegisterOnly,不需缴费(系统仍会提示信用卡信息,但不收费)。以后会员续会都由系统通过email提醒。以前在华盟网站上存在的少数未付费账号已无效。ACAN 希望在九月份全部会员都有自己的账号,已经在网站上付费的最新会员(会员号以C开始)不需要再建账号。


如果大家在续会费及建立账号过程中遇到问题,请联系email acan.members@gmail.com 或微信号talkbz。

* ACAN 不记录会员付款方式,所有会员付款由大型网络付款平台直接处理。会员会费目前按理事会提议执行,未来有可能因为其它批准程序调整。

Within a year and a half since its inception, Austin Chinese-American Network has become a prominent non-profit organization for the Austin Chinese-Americans. Serving our community and fostering our heritage, every footprint of the ACAN journey has your names engraved on (https://youtu.be/T2LsOZPfhZQ).

To better serve the growing member community, ACAN has built a new self-register membership management system. Many future members-only activities and benefits will rely on this system.

ACAN therefore requests all members to establish an account via following link:


For all members who joined ACAN on or before 9/30/2017, your membership is due for renewal. Please kindly provide payment information and you will be charged for the new lower annual membership fee depend on your membership type. All other members may use discount code “RegisterOnly” during registration, and you will not be charged at this time (please still provide the credit card information for verification or auto renewal in future).

Effective immediately, ACAN’s new annual membership fee is lowered to $10 per year for individual members and $15 for family members. Family membership includes up to 6 members living in the same household.

If you have any questions about the account creation, please write to acan.members@gmail.com or weChat talkbz.

* ACAN does not save member’s payment information. All financial transactions are processed by major online payment gateways. The new membership rate in effect is recommended by the board of directors and is subject to change pending further member review.


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