ACAN In Action – Covid-19 Relief Effort March 20, 2020

Harvard President Lawrence S. Bacow offered these words to his students as they vacated campus last week: “…COVID-19 will test our capacities to be kind and generous, and to see beyond ourselves and our own interests, … May we all proceed with wisdom and grace.” Those are powerful words, and here is an example of how ACAN members are seeing beyond ourselves and our own interests: donating face masks and PPEs from their own limited family emergency supplies to front-line medical staff in our local hospitals and clinics who are in URGENT need of these PPEs so they can do their jobs – to save lives – in this COVID-19 outbreak.

So far, donated and committed supplies – Masks of all specs: 3500 Goggles: 50 PPE Suit: 100 Surgical Caps: 200 UPDATE 3/21 – Delivered to hospitals yesterday: 750 face masks, 100 Nitrile gloves; Delivered today: 780 face masks, 45 goggles, 60 gowns, 200 surgical caps Comment from St. David’s North and Ascension Seton to ACAN: “You are life savers.” No, as a matter of fact, they are. “It was the worst of times; it was the best of times” – Charles Dickens

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