October 2021 Treasure Report
[Reporter: Huimin Zhao Video production: Lee Dedear] Video Link: https://youtu.be/bhyH_-3_LKw On July 24th, 2018, as part of a series to foster Chinese-American community involvement, ACAN interviewed Austin Mayor Steve Adler in the city hall. The purpose of the interview was to showcase our fast-growing Chinese-American community organization, ACAN, to the mayor. The interview…
… This content is for 华盟会员(ACAN membership) members only.RegisterAlready a member? Log in here...
ACAN proudly announced that 41 applicants have been approved to receive the President’s Volunteering Service Award for the 2020-2021 school year (September 1st, 2020- August 31, 2021). It’s our delight to see so many of our youth are doing wonderful works to serve our community (not just the Asian community, but the community in general)….
… This content is for 华盟会员(ACAN membership) members only.RegisterAlready a member? Log in here...
蓝帽花及各种花卉争艳大地,气温适度。而2021华盟之星(ACAN STAR) 的颁奖典礼,也在四月二十四号下午二点,迎来了华盟之星的获奖者们。
Every time when I apply for the President’s Volunteer Service Award, it holds more significance than just an accolade. It represents my ongoing commitment to serving the community and making a lasting impact. One of my key involvements is with Girls Giving Grant (g3), which is part of Impact Austin’s youth initiative. This year, our…
You can donate to Austin Chinese-American Network (ACAN), a 501(c)(3) organization, for greater Austin area COVID-19 relief effort, using any of the following methods to pay to ACAN.Chinese@gmail.com:
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