The specific objectives and purpose of this Corporation are to, but not limited to: Provide enrichment learning activities to promote Chinese-American’s unity and solidarity; Provide a variety of education services to meet the needs of the Austin’s Chinese-American community; Provide information sessions and activities to raise the awareness of Chinese culture; Provide information sessions and…
Austin, Texas, March 10, 2017。(邱朝欣撰稿): 经过充分的筹备工作,奧斯汀华裔联盟于 2017年3月9日 召开了第一届理事会全体会议。与会理事们审定并签署了理事会成立文件。至此,奧斯汀华裔联盟 (Austin Chinese-American Network ,简称 ACAN),一个独立的非赢利组织,正式宣告成立。
华盟快讯:2019年6月21日,奥斯汀华裔联盟收到市文化艺术发展局来函,正式批准了华盟所申请的2018年社区倡议基金项目。这份基金将全部用于华盟正在筹办的 9 月22日中秋文艺晚会。华盟副会长兼艺术委员会主任张铭聪先生说:“这份基金为华盟的中秋晚会提供了坚实的财务基础。它将使我们的晚会在艺术水平,软件及硬件准备方面都更加游刃有余。” 据了解,华盟为2019 年度文化传统基金项目的申请也进展顺利,有望于今年晚些时候听到回复。2019 年度文化传统基金项目将用来支撑计划于明年二月举办的2019奥城中华文化节。 ACAN News: On June 21, 2018, the Austin Chinese-American Network received a notification from the City of Austin Cultural Arts Division. The letter confirmed that the ACAN has been awarded a Community Initiative Grant. The grant will be used to develop the ACAN Mid-Autumn Chinese Performance Show on September…
奧斯汀華裔聯盟成立 趙俊達任會長 記者賈忠/休士頓報導 2017年04月14日 06:00 為更好的服務奧斯汀華裔社區,弘揚中華文化,奧斯汀華裔聯盟日前成立,趙俊達被推舉擔任首任會長,袁琳和張銘聰為副會長。
After a pandemic stoppage last year, Austin Chinese-American Network is resuming our annual tradition by throwing a big (free) party – Austin Chinese Culture Festival on Saturday May 7th from 12 to 6pm, on the beautiful Brentwood Christian School campus. In the middle of the Year of the Tiger, we are continuing the New Year’s celebration: dragon dance, Asian cuisines for purchase from various local restaurants, authentic Chinese cultural exhibits, crafts, photo booths and games, and awesome live performances from many local performing art organizations! Perfect for anyone, but particularly well-suited for families with young kids to loiter around on a meticulously maintained campus. Stop by, drop in anytime in the afternoon to have fun, and visit with community organizations and sponsoring businesses! With loud dragon dance, lion roars and Chinese gongs, let’s give COVID-19 a proper send-off, for good!
一、活动主题 奥斯汀华裔联盟 于2017年3月9日正式成立了。英文名称为 Austin Chinese-American Network, 简称ACAN。根据联盟的章程, 奧斯汀华裔联盟将致力于服务本地华人社区,通过组织丰富多彩 的活动以促进华人社区的交流和相互理解, 以此弘扬中华文化,维护华人权益,增强华人群体的凝聚力。 华裔联盟在此向全体奥斯汀华人征求会标设计,特举办一次会标设计大赛(logo design contest)。鼓励有美术特长人士包括中小学生踊跃参与(每人限作品一幅)。
You can donate to Austin Chinese-American Network (ACAN), a 501(c)(3) organization, for greater Austin area COVID-19 relief effort, using any of the following methods to pay to ACAN.Chinese@gmail.com:
If your company matches donations to non-profits, please use the below information when submitting your request through your company’s systems: