宏觀僑社新聞关于华盟Food Bank义工活动的报道:
[Noah Liu] Austin Chinese-American Network partnered with Texas Outdoor Family, a program under Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to host a private camping workshop for members on 9/7-8 at Inks Lake State Park. Our 18 participating families learned important camping and outdoor skills such as setting up a campsite, building a fire, and cooking outdoors. Participants also had the chance to go kayaking, hiking, fishing, stargazing and geocaching within the park. Our families all enjoyed the event greatly, especially the children! We hope that we can organize a similar event sometime in the future.
[海舟报道] 2018年4月14日,一个阳光明媚的周六,奥斯汀华盟参与组织了Keep Austin besutiful的社区清理活动。华盟近70人志愿者大军,来到城南的Dove Springs公园清理垃圾。公园很美丽幽静,葱郁的树林,野花烂漫的草丛,绿草如茵的高尔夫球场和足球场。志愿者们在林间小溪边却发现不少垃圾。多是饮料罐、酒瓶和饮料杯,还发现了一些让人意外的丢弃物。短短两个小时,大家收集了成堆垃圾。每个人为自己的收获而骄傲。
【春平报道】4月16日,周日上午,华盟组织的社区清洁活动在Commons Ford Metropolitan Park展开。 Keep Austin Beautiful (让奥斯丁更美丽)吸引了众多家庭报名参加,由于采取了事先在线报名,网上实时跟进,大家都按时到达。
【朱凯琳撰稿】蓝帽花盛开,迎来了华盟教育三月份的活动。华盟教育3月27日在River Place俱乐部举办了两个半小时的有关天才教育的华盟家长座谈会。会议请来了特殊教育专家Lisa Feng 女士,及家长嘉宾 Tracy Shi女士, 肖峻先生, Jessica Wong女士, Qinfen女士和C.J Zhao女士,当晚三十多位家长冒雨前来,专家和嘉宾们分享了自己工作和家庭中天才教育的经历和经验,讲演形象生动,家长们笑声连连。
Report: 新苗 Photo: Alan and 新苗 6/12/2018 On a beautiful Saturday afternoon of June 2nd, 2018, a group of us arrived at Tzu Chi Austin Service Center to attend Jing Si Cha Dao – a special tea ceremony organized by Austin Chinese-American Network (ACAN) and Tzu Chi.
2019年6月 报道:顾海舟 Summer In Weishan (SIW) 是一个由奥斯汀地区中学生组成的支教夏令营,营员们会来到中国云南巍山彝族回族自治县的巍山一中及周围中小学,教那里的学生们英文并和他们进行文化交流,为期两周。巍山位于云南西部,距大理正南约60公里,中缅边界以东约350公里,是一个风景旖旎但交通闭塞的山区,自治县内有彝族、回族等少数民族,民风古朴、多彩。
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