4/29 Food Bank义工活动
4/29号星期六下午1:30-4:30华裔联盟组织的Food Bank义工活动现在还有5个名额,报名链接是:http://austinchinesealliance.cafb.volunteerhub.com/ . 请感兴趣的朋友赶紧报名。注意小孩子要8岁以上。如果你没有food bank网站帐号的话得先花一分钟注册才能报名,小孩也得注册的。这是一次非常好的亲子机会,欢迎大家带亲朋好友一起来。
4/29号星期六下午1:30-4:30华裔联盟组织的Food Bank义工活动现在还有5个名额,报名链接是:http://austinchinesealliance.cafb.volunteerhub.com/ . 请感兴趣的朋友赶紧报名。注意小孩子要8岁以上。如果你没有food bank网站帐号的话得先花一分钟注册才能报名,小孩也得注册的。这是一次非常好的亲子机会,欢迎大家带亲朋好友一起来。
【新苗、海舟撰稿,肖宁摄影】2018年5月6日,奥斯汀华人联盟第二次举行了年度春季⼩龙虾乡宴。这是⼀场别开⽣面的⼩龙虾派对! 乡宴在奥村北边美丽的Brushy Creek冠军公园举⾏。会员们携家带口进到公园⻔口,远远地就看到华盟的标志横幅:“华盟是我家,发展靠大家”。仪态端庄的迎宾义⼯们笑脸欢迎给人们签到。人们都迫不及待寻着诱人的的味道⾛去!
[Noah Liu] Austin Chinese-American Network partnered with Texas Outdoor Family, a program under Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to host a private camping workshop for members on 9/7-8 at Inks Lake State Park. Our 18 participating families learned important camping and outdoor skills such as setting up a campsite, building a fire, and cooking outdoors. Participants also had the chance to go kayaking, hiking, fishing, stargazing and geocaching within the park. Our families all enjoyed the event greatly, especially the children! We hope that we can organize a similar event sometime in the future.
Preview Changes (opens in a new window) 金秋十月,又是月桂飘香,风淡云清的时节。奥斯汀华裔联盟一年一度的金秋烧烤活动将于10月21日星期六上午11点至下午3点进行,欢迎各位朋友参加,一起享受美食和休闲的宝贵时光。 时间:10/21 Saturday, 11 am – 3 pm 地点:Anderson Mill West Park & Pavilion 2900 El Salido Pkwy, Cedar Park, TX 78613 费用:If registered before 10/9: member $6/person, non-member $8/person. 小孩4岁以下免费。 After 10/9: member $8/person, non-member $10/person. 本次活动鼓励大家带自己的拿手菜来和朋友们分享,将设厨艺比赛,投票选出来的前两名将分获得$25和$20的gift card. 奥斯汀著名的中餐厅“路客餐厅”(Look Noodles)将赞助炒面,炒饭和毛豆;“湘里人家”(Hunan Bistro…
By Noah Liu, April 14, 2018 Today over 70 Austin Chinese-American Network members came together at Dove Springs District Park to help the community by picking up trash. Dozens of bags of litter were collected along with several bags of recyclables. Most of our volunteers today were children, who all had lots of fun while…
五一国际劳动节即将来临,还能有什么活动比义务劳动更能让我们,尤其是孩子们深刻体会劳动的乐趣,过一个有意义的周末呢?今天奥斯汀华裔联盟组织了一次Central Texas Food Bank的仓库义工活动。近百名华人从四面八方赶过来,热火朝天地干了两个半小时,清理分装了4765磅食品,2175磅面包和甜食。这些食物最后会派送到奥斯汀市及周边几个地区的食品发放点,免费分给有需要的人。
【新苗、海舟撰稿,肖宁摄影】2018年5月6日,奥斯汀华人联盟第二次举行了年度春季⼩龙虾乡宴。这是⼀场别开⽣面的⼩龙虾派对! 乡宴在奥村北边美丽的Brushy Creek冠军公园举⾏。会员们携家带口进到公园⻔口,远远地就看到华盟的标志横幅:“华盟是我家,发展靠大家”。仪态端庄的迎宾义⼯们笑脸欢迎给人们签到。人们都迫不及待寻着诱人的的味道⾛去!
[Noah Liu] Austin Chinese-American Network partnered with Texas Outdoor Family, a program under Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to host a private camping workshop for members on 9/7-8 at Inks Lake State Park. Our 18 participating families learned important camping and outdoor skills such as setting up a campsite, building a fire, and cooking outdoors. Participants also had the chance to go kayaking, hiking, fishing, stargazing and geocaching within the park. Our families all enjoyed the event greatly, especially the children! We hope that we can organize a similar event sometime in the future.
Preview Changes (opens in a new window) 金秋十月,又是月桂飘香,风淡云清的时节。奥斯汀华裔联盟一年一度的金秋烧烤活动将于10月21日星期六上午11点至下午3点进行,欢迎各位朋友参加,一起享受美食和休闲的宝贵时光。 时间:10/21 Saturday, 11 am – 3 pm 地点:Anderson Mill West Park & Pavilion 2900 El Salido Pkwy, Cedar Park, TX 78613 费用:If registered before 10/9: member $6/person, non-member $8/person. 小孩4岁以下免费。 After 10/9: member $8/person, non-member $10/person. 本次活动鼓励大家带自己的拿手菜来和朋友们分享,将设厨艺比赛,投票选出来的前两名将分获得$25和$20的gift card. 奥斯汀著名的中餐厅“路客餐厅”(Look Noodles)将赞助炒面,炒饭和毛豆;“湘里人家”(Hunan Bistro…
By Noah Liu, April 14, 2018 Today over 70 Austin Chinese-American Network members came together at Dove Springs District Park to help the community by picking up trash. Dozens of bags of litter were collected along with several bags of recyclables. Most of our volunteers today were children, who all had lots of fun while…
五一国际劳动节即将来临,还能有什么活动比义务劳动更能让我们,尤其是孩子们深刻体会劳动的乐趣,过一个有意义的周末呢?今天奥斯汀华裔联盟组织了一次Central Texas Food Bank的仓库义工活动。近百名华人从四面八方赶过来,热火朝天地干了两个半小时,清理分装了4765磅食品,2175磅面包和甜食。这些食物最后会派送到奥斯汀市及周边几个地区的食品发放点,免费分给有需要的人。
【新苗、海舟撰稿,肖宁摄影】2018年5月6日,奥斯汀华人联盟第二次举行了年度春季⼩龙虾乡宴。这是⼀场别开⽣面的⼩龙虾派对! 乡宴在奥村北边美丽的Brushy Creek冠军公园举⾏。会员们携家带口进到公园⻔口,远远地就看到华盟的标志横幅:“华盟是我家,发展靠大家”。仪态端庄的迎宾义⼯们笑脸欢迎给人们签到。人们都迫不及待寻着诱人的的味道⾛去!
[Noah Liu] Austin Chinese-American Network partnered with Texas Outdoor Family, a program under Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to host a private camping workshop for members on 9/7-8 at Inks Lake State Park. Our 18 participating families learned important camping and outdoor skills such as setting up a campsite, building a fire, and cooking outdoors. Participants also had the chance to go kayaking, hiking, fishing, stargazing and geocaching within the park. Our families all enjoyed the event greatly, especially the children! We hope that we can organize a similar event sometime in the future.
Preview Changes (opens in a new window) 金秋十月,又是月桂飘香,风淡云清的时节。奥斯汀华裔联盟一年一度的金秋烧烤活动将于10月21日星期六上午11点至下午3点进行,欢迎各位朋友参加,一起享受美食和休闲的宝贵时光。 时间:10/21 Saturday, 11 am – 3 pm 地点:Anderson Mill West Park & Pavilion 2900 El Salido Pkwy, Cedar Park, TX 78613 费用:If registered before 10/9: member $6/person, non-member $8/person. 小孩4岁以下免费。 After 10/9: member $8/person, non-member $10/person. 本次活动鼓励大家带自己的拿手菜来和朋友们分享,将设厨艺比赛,投票选出来的前两名将分获得$25和$20的gift card. 奥斯汀著名的中餐厅“路客餐厅”(Look Noodles)将赞助炒面,炒饭和毛豆;“湘里人家”(Hunan Bistro…
By Noah Liu, April 14, 2018 Today over 70 Austin Chinese-American Network members came together at Dove Springs District Park to help the community by picking up trash. Dozens of bags of litter were collected along with several bags of recyclables. Most of our volunteers today were children, who all had lots of fun while…
五一国际劳动节即将来临,还能有什么活动比义务劳动更能让我们,尤其是孩子们深刻体会劳动的乐趣,过一个有意义的周末呢?今天奥斯汀华裔联盟组织了一次Central Texas Food Bank的仓库义工活动。近百名华人从四面八方赶过来,热火朝天地干了两个半小时,清理分装了4765磅食品,2175磅面包和甜食。这些食物最后会派送到奥斯汀市及周边几个地区的食品发放点,免费分给有需要的人。
You can donate to Austin Chinese-American Network (ACAN), a 501(c)(3) organization, for greater Austin area COVID-19 relief effort, using any of the following methods to pay to ACAN.Chinese@gmail.com:
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