PRESS RELEASE: 2019-nCoV and ACCF2020

By now, we are sure everyone is very much tuned in to the public health emergency that is engulfing China, and to a lesser degree, yet increasingly, the rest of the world. In the past couple of weeks, we have witnessed with a heavy heart a huge swath of Central China locked down, impacting tens of millions of people during what is traditionally the most festive and most intimate time of the year. From a distance of thousands of miles, we can still acutely feel the worries, the pains, and the desperations of our families, friends, and fellow countrymen across the ocean.

Almost immediately, Chinese American communities across the US began to mobilize, in fundraising, in procuring much needed medical supplies, and in finding creative ways to deliver supplies to hospitals and areas in dire need in the most impacted parts of China. In alignment with ACAN’s core mission of serving our community, and in the same spirit of helping Hurricane Harvey victims in ACAN’s early days, ACAN has called and encouraged its members to donate to a number of local and national fundraising efforts. As the situation continues to evolve rapidly, ACAN stands ready to help people in China, as well as our members and communities here in Austin, should such need emerges in the days to come.

As US government agencies gear up to control and counter this serious threat, it is important that our members heed all travel and border entry restrictions and quarantine advisories currently in force, such as self-imposed home isolation if you have traveled to China in the past 14 days. This is not only in the best interest of your safety; it is also in the best interest of your family, your coworkers and your community.

As the alert level on the 2019-nCoV epidemic continues to rise around the world, people begin to voice concerns about large gatherings here in the US. ACCF2020, currently scheduled for Feb. 15 at Westwood High School, is meant to be a fairly large celebration of Chinese New Year and Chinese cultures, with projected attendance in the thousands. In recent days, we have heard such concerns among our members and volunteers. We want you to know that we hear you, we fully appreciate your concerns, and we hold our members’ and our communities’ health and safety in our utmost concerns. Let us assure you that the leadership team of ACAN is paying very close attention to this epidemic, to international, national as well as local alert levels and restrictions issued by various authorities, and is carefully and rationally debating the pros and cons of canceling ACCF2020. The Board of Directors will make a final decision, followed by an announcement no later than Feb. 9. We can assure you that such a decision will be made based on facts and situations by then, and based on our utmost concern for public health as well as our utmost respect for the long hours of hard work that our students, teachers, volunteers and partners have already put into the preparations for ACCF. If it is a go, ACAN will take abundant precautionary steps, such as attendance control, available hand sanitizer at all entries, sanitary wipes in all booths, to minimize risks to participants’ health and safety.

Before then, thank you and best wishes for you and your family during this difficult time!




随着全球对新型肺炎的关注和警惕持续上升,美国民众对大型聚会的担忧也浮出水面。2020年年度奥斯汀中华文化节(ACCF2020) 为庆祝中国新年和宣传、推广多项中国文化,原计划于2月15日在Westwood高中举行,预计将有数千人参加。最近几天,我们从会员和志愿者那里听到了这样那样的担忧。在此,我们希望您了解我们完全理解您的担心,我们也会以会员和社区的健康与安全做为至高无上的考量。我们向您保证,华盟的领导团队正在密切关注着疫情的发展,关注着国际,联邦和地方各种权威机构发布的警报级别和限制,并正在认真、理性地讨论取消文化节的利弊。 不迟于2月9号,董事会将做出最终决定,并发布公告。我们可以向您保证,届时我们将根据公众健康和安全压倒一切的原则,充分尊重我们的学生,老师,志愿者和合作伙伴已经为文化节的准备工作做出的巨大努力,完全依据事实和当时的疫情状况做出最后决定。如果经过仔细考量,华盟还是决定举办文化节,那么,华盟会采取大量预防措施,例如控制入场人数,所有入口处都配备洗手液,所有摊位上都配有卫生湿巾等,最大程度地降低与会人员健康和安全的风险系数。


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