[embeddoc url=”http://www.AustinChineseAmericanNetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/舞出健康快乐的人生-final-6-2.pdf” download=”all”]
Austin Chinese-American Network is sponsoring an online youth show to demonstrate unity, strength, and kindness of the community to raise fund for Central Texas Food Bank, a local non-profit organization hundreds of ACAN volunteers regularly volunteer in the past few years.
《贺华盟金秋烧烤盛会》 – 邱朝欣 轻烟起,篝火旺, 最馋湘里羊肉串; 拔河赛,哨声急, 巾帼称霸绿茵场; 打陀螺,跳皮筋, 重温儿时青石板; 交新朋,叙旧情, 金秋凉亭不觉寒。
By Noah Liu, April 15, 2018 Two dozen ACAN members helped pick up trash and plant wildflowers today at Commons Ford Municipal Park. Most of the volunteers were children. Together, our volunteers managed to pick up 3 bags of trash and 1 bag of recyclables and planted an entire bucket of seeds.
【新苗、海舟撰稿,肖宁摄影】2018年5月6日,奥斯汀华人联盟第二次举行了年度春季⼩龙虾乡宴。这是⼀场别开⽣面的⼩龙虾派对! 乡宴在奥村北边美丽的Brushy Creek冠军公园举⾏。会员们携家带口进到公园⻔口,远远地就看到华盟的标志横幅:“华盟是我家,发展靠大家”。仪态端庄的迎宾义⼯们笑脸欢迎给人们签到。人们都迫不及待寻着诱人的的味道⾛去!
(邱朝欣撰稿)11月23日,又是感恩节。清晨,阳光灿烂,草坪中的露珠像快乐的精灵在微风中闪烁。空气里不时飘来淡淡的炸火鸡的香味。奥斯汀感恩节火鸡慢跑活动将在这里举行。由 ThunderCloud 三明治连锁店发起的这项活动已经进入第二十七个年头,成为奥斯汀的节日传统。这项活动每年都吸引了两万多人参加,是感恩节期间全美最大的慢跑活动之一。多年来,这项活动已筹集了三百多万美元的善款,用于帮助无家可归者,难民,和低收入市民。
[ 撰稿 鍾斌; 摄影 庆芬,Angela Qian ] 奥斯汀华裔联盟于六月二十七日举办了一次集趣味和知识于一体的摄影沙龙,这是华盟摄影教室一年以来又一次义务为华裔摄影爱好者服务。
You can donate to Austin Chinese-American Network (ACAN), a 501(c)(3) organization, for greater Austin area COVID-19 relief effort, using any of the following methods to pay to ACAN.Chinese@gmail.com:
If your company matches donations to non-profits, please use the below information when submitting your request through your company’s systems: