新闻发布: 奧斯汀华裔联盟正式成立

Austin, Texas, March 10, 2017。(邱朝欣撰稿):  经过充分的筹备工作,奧斯汀华裔联盟于 2017年3月9日 召开了第一届理事会全体会议。与会理事们审定并签署了理事会成立文件。至此,奧斯汀华裔联盟Austin Chinese-American Network ,简称 ACAN),一个独立的非赢利组织,正式宣告成立。

其实,对于很多华人来说,奥斯汀华裔联盟这个名字并不陌生。早在一年前,赵俊达(Peter Chao), 钱向红(Angela Qian), 张铭聪(Darda Chang), 刘炜(Wei Liu), 杨奎(Kui Yang), 许瑾 (Jean Shaw), 赵桂云 (Gwen Zhao)和一些朋友通过奥斯汀华人社交群,把奧斯汀华裔联盟的理念和组织意向介绍给了大家。一年多来,奥斯汀华裔联盟以试运行形式,创立了多个社交群体,组织了包括卡拉OK,舞蹈,美食,郊游,子女教育等多样化的活动,吸引了大量的参与和支持者。我们相信,随着奧斯汀华裔联盟的正式成立,会有更多热心为社区服务的同胞加入我们的行列。


奧斯汀华裔联盟 第一届理事会第一次全体会议推举 赵俊达(Peter Chao)为华盟的第一届会长,袁琳 (Lynn Yuan)和 张铭聪(Darda Chang)为副会长。 会议同时选举许瑾(Jean Shaw),赵采姣(CJ Zhao),钱向红(Angela Qian), 赵桂云 (Gwen Zhao),刘炜(Wei Liu)分别为各个功能委员会的主任委员,劉露萍 (Kathy Liu) 為联盟财務。 华盟的各个功能委员会都在认真地规划下一年度的活动日程安排。一系列丰富多彩的活动即将逐步推出。会员登记也将尽快展开。敬请各位华人朋友多多关注。

奧斯汀华裔联盟 相信美国是个多种族,多元文化融合的国家。无论我们來自何方,何种宗教信仰和文化背景,只要我们认同这个社会,都可以在此扎根,繁洐,和发展。奧斯汀华裔联盟欢迎所有心怀相同志向的华人朋友加入我们的团体,通过联盟这个平台,为本地的华人同胞们提供更广泛和高效的服务,共创多姿多彩的美好生活。如有意愿参加奧斯汀华裔


Austin Chinese-American Network (ACAN) Incorporation

Austin, Texas, March 10, 2017: After extensive, thorough preparation, the board of directors of the Austin Chinese-American Network (ACAN) convened their first meeting on March 9th, 2017. The attendees reviewed, approved, and signed the Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws of Corporation, formally establishing ACAN as an independent, non-profit organization.

The Austin Chinese-American Network is a familiar name to the Austin Chinese community. Peter Chao, Angela Qian, Darda Chang, Wei Liu, Kui Yang, Jean Shaw, Gwen Zhao and their friends introduced ACAN and its principal concepts more than a year ago. ACAN established multiple affiliated social network groups to provide a variety of services for its fellow Chinese-Americans. These groups, each currently consisting of hundreds of active participants, in turn organized many activities with various focuses, such as dancing, singing, education, and more. ACAN’s new status as a formal independent non-profit organization is a significant milestone for the group.

By the Articles of Incorporation, Austin Chinese-American Network will devote itself to serving local Chinese-American community, to promoting Chinese-American unity and solidarity, and to protecting rights and interests of the Chinese-Americans. ACAN strives to raise awareness of Chinese culture, to promote Chinese-American interest in public affairs, to encourage participations in community services, and to develop community leaders. ACAN will continue to sponsor variety of fun activities to meet the needs of Austin’s Chinese-American community and to facilitate communications among Chinese-American community.

The first meeting of the ACAN’s Board of Directors elected Peter Chao as the organization’s president and Lynn Yuan and Darda Chang as vice presidents. In addition, Jean Shaw, CJ Zhao, Angela Qian, Gwen Zhao, and Wei Liu were appointed as the chairs of various committees. Kathy Liu was appointed as the Treasurer of ACAN. These ACAN officials are working on plans to sponsor a series of fun and educational activities, as well as a membership drive.

The Austin Chinese-American Network believes in building diverse and inclusive culture in America, and that every Chinese-American shall have an equal opportunity to prosper as long as he or she supports the common American values. ACAN sincerely invites local community members who share our vision to join our organization and support our cause. Utilizing the ACAN platform, we will work together to serve the community and to chart a brighter future for our fellow Chinese-Americans. For more information or to get involved, please email

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