The Longest Year

Author: Hugh Li Photography: ACAN

I remember it clearly one year ago exactly: first it was the cancellation of SXSW after a 33-year continuous run, then the NBA season was suspended, and the WHO declared COVID19 a global pandemic, and then my son came home from UT Austin – and never went back. 

What followed has been the longest year ever in my memory.

I haven’t seen my parents, who live in a Houston-area senior housing community, for more than a year. The lines on their aged faces had blended into a blur on a recent Zoom call;

My son graduated from UT Austin in May, on a TV screen in our living room. He went to Wisconsin in June for his first job, but never met his manager or his colleagues in person;

My older daughter graduated high school a valedictorian, but didn’t have the chance to give the speech to a live audience. No prom either. She started her college in the Fall, through Zoom in the office upstairs. She finally set her foot on campus last month, but in a living arrangement not much different than that of a house arrest;

Our dining room table became the office space for both my wife and myself since March last year. It still is today, every day.

This pandemic has utterly and mercilessly upended our lives, and the lives of billions of people on our planet. As excruciatingly and helplessly painful as it is, we were still the lucky ones: my parents were healthy and well cared for; my son graduated on time and actually started his first job during the darkest days of the pandemic; my daughter still had her speech heard online, still started her MIT education on time, and actually saw the skylines of Boston; and my wife and I still have our jobs and incomes. 

A lot of people fared worse, much worse.  Our neighbor across the street lost their brother after a 3-month battle with COVID. He was actually a surgeon who contracted it while saving other COVID patients. A friend of ours lost her mother in Wuhan during the early days of the pandemic, and up till today, she still hasn’t been able to visit her mother’s grave and say proper goodbye. 

As I reflect on this past year,  just like countless others, I find myself struggling for words to properly capture this enormity. Strange, fearful, helpless, sad, Zoom, alone…those are some of the words that came to my mind. Yet, none of them captures the enormous disruptions to what we know as “normal”. 

Still, this is also a year in which the words love, family, service, community and above all else, hope, took on new, profound meanings. Millions of people spontaneously volunteered their time, money and heart to help neighbors, strangers and communities to cope, to rebuild and to hope again. I’m fortunately a part of ACAN, a non-profit dedicated to its core missions of “serving our community, fostering our heritage”, and ACAN embodied those words extraordinarily well.

In serving our community, ACAN not only served our own community in need, it extended the definition of “community” to all of Austin and beyond: PPE donations all over the city, the State, and as far as New York during the early days of the crisis where they were desperately needed; food donations to hospitals, homeless camps, youth care centers, and kids in a RV park; fundraising through running, concerts, arts and plain donation from many of you. Altogether, ACAN donated ~60,000 facemasks, ~12000 face shields, ~16000 meals, and $13000 to other non-profit organizations. For a stretch of 4 months starting late March, every Wednesday and Saturday became an “ACAN Day” in some of the hardest hit homeless camps in Austin. In this spirit, ACAN indeed became “my brother’s keeper”.

In fostering our heritage, ACAN continued our culture outreach programs in the early months and successfully hosted our annual ACCF. In a perhaps more meaningful spirit of Chinese heritage, we opened our arms, our hearts and our wallets, sometimes in the backdrop of malicious bigotry and hatred towards Chinese Americans, to extend our tradition of “老吾老,以及人之老;幼吾幼,以及人之幼“ to help our neighbors in any way we can. In concerts and in youth art programs, Chinese elements were everywhere, and they took on the purpose and meaning in caring and providing for the less fortunate.  And the most satisfying part is seeing our youths stepping up, big time, in participating and, in many occasions, leading ACAN’s community service programs, making their own generational marks in a unique chapter of our Chinese American storybook.

It is no doubt the longest year ever for millions of people. Yet, Spring has assertively returned, bringing with it renewed hope and a whiff of normalcy that had never been felt as precious before. As we tally all the things we lost in this long year, let us also count the gems we collected along the way: “ACAN Day”, a thank-you note from a doctor, the smile of a nurse behind the clear faceshield,  a plaque from a sister organization honoring our work, and the Anne McAfee Community Response Award by Travis County Democratic Party.. 

As for me and my family, we collected our son’s UT diploma, a picture of his office, our daughter’s valedictorian speech, and a midnight hug when we finally said goodbye to the year 2020, the longest year in my life.

作者: 一修 图片:华盟













毫无疑问,这是无数的人们生命中最长的一年。然而,春天还是如期而至了,带着新的希望和一丝久违的寻常。当我们在为这漫长的一年中所有的失去而唏嘘的同时,让我们也数点一路走来收获的珠宝:“华盟日”,一封医生的感谢信,透明面罩后面的一个护士的微笑,一个姐妹组织表彰华盟工作的牌匾,和荣获Travis郡民主党Anne McAfee 社区服务奖的殊荣。

至于我们家,我们也收获了儿子的德大文凭,他办公室的照片,女儿的毕业演讲以及一个除夕午夜告别2020的拥抱 – 人生最长的一年,终于还是成了过往。

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