June 2021 Treasure Report
ACAN June 2021 Treasure Report.
ACAN June 2021 Treasure Report.
奥斯汀华裔联盟欢迎您参加奥斯汀中国文化节。Austin Chinese Culture Festival (ACCF2020) Students from 11 high schools of the greater Austin area will showcase martial arts, Chinese calligraphy and water ink paintings. Local artists will perform traditional dances. There will be multiple fun games to play with prizes to win. Seventeen carefully selected Asian restaurants will have food for purchase. Participants will…
… This content is for 华盟会员(ACAN membership) members only.RegisterAlready a member? Log in here...
I remember it clearly one year ago exactly: first it was the cancellation of SXSW after a 33-year continuous run, then the NBA season was suspended, and the WHO declared COVID19 a global pandemic, and then my son came home from UT Austin – and never went back.
By Hugh Li Oct.2, 2018 When Austin Chinese American Network (ACAN) was founded on March 9, 2017, as a nonprofit organization, it set its mission as “Serve our community; Foster our heritage”. In the ensuing year and a half, as it rapidly grew from a handful of friends with common pursuits to an organization of…
By now, we are sure everyone is very much tuned in to the public health emergency that is engulfing China, and to a lesser degree, yet increasingly, the rest of the world. In the past couple of weeks, we have witnessed with a heavy heart a huge swath of Central China locked down, impacting tens of millions of people during what is traditionally the most festive and most intimate time of the year. From a distance of thousands of miles, we can still acutely feel the worries, the pains, and the desperations of our families, friends, and fellow countrymen across the ocean.
【邱朝欣撰稿】 奧斯汀华裔联盟于2018年2月24日召开了今年的第一次理事会全体会议。会议由会长赵俊达主持并作主旨发言。赵会长简要回顾了华盟成立一年以来的工作, 高度评价了华盟所取得的各方面成就。 财务长魏文峰也向理事们汇报了联盟的财务工作。理事会高兴地看到华盟在成立的一年里在各方面取得的卓越成就,包括: 发展成有 600 多人的社团 (230 多注册会员帐户,其中大部分以家庭为单位注册); 在众多会员,民间人士和商家的支持下建立了强健的财务基础; 组织了包括“哈维”赈灾行动,Central Texas Food Bank,Salvation Army 为无家可归人士 服务新年晚餐等十几次社区服务活动并得到众多会员的积极响应; 分别在教育,会员社交,休闲娱乐等方面组织了一百多场次的各种活动, 其中包括广受 好评的 2018 年春节联欢晚会。 华盟成立以来的卓有成效的工作充分体现了“团结华人,服务社区,弘扬文化”的立会宗旨。理事会认为华盟一年来的成绩应该归功于众多会员和各界朋友的大力支持。华盟所有的工作和活动百分之百由包括所有理事在内的义工们提供无偿的支持。过去的一年里华盟共收到一百多位各界朋友的捐款。在2018年春节联欢晚会的筹备期间,一些商家主动联络华盟协商赞助意向并加盟成为商务会员。理事会再次向全体会员们和各界朋友们表示衷心的感谢。
奥斯汀华裔联盟欢迎您参加奥斯汀中国文化节。Austin Chinese Culture Festival (ACCF2020) Students from 11 high schools of the greater Austin area will showcase martial arts, Chinese calligraphy and water ink paintings. Local artists will perform traditional dances. There will be multiple fun games to play with prizes to win. Seventeen carefully selected Asian restaurants will have food for purchase. Participants will…
… This content is for 华盟会员(ACAN membership) members only.RegisterAlready a member? Log in here...
I remember it clearly one year ago exactly: first it was the cancellation of SXSW after a 33-year continuous run, then the NBA season was suspended, and the WHO declared COVID19 a global pandemic, and then my son came home from UT Austin – and never went back.
By Hugh Li Oct.2, 2018 When Austin Chinese American Network (ACAN) was founded on March 9, 2017, as a nonprofit organization, it set its mission as “Serve our community; Foster our heritage”. In the ensuing year and a half, as it rapidly grew from a handful of friends with common pursuits to an organization of…
By now, we are sure everyone is very much tuned in to the public health emergency that is engulfing China, and to a lesser degree, yet increasingly, the rest of the world. In the past couple of weeks, we have witnessed with a heavy heart a huge swath of Central China locked down, impacting tens of millions of people during what is traditionally the most festive and most intimate time of the year. From a distance of thousands of miles, we can still acutely feel the worries, the pains, and the desperations of our families, friends, and fellow countrymen across the ocean.
【邱朝欣撰稿】 奧斯汀华裔联盟于2018年2月24日召开了今年的第一次理事会全体会议。会议由会长赵俊达主持并作主旨发言。赵会长简要回顾了华盟成立一年以来的工作, 高度评价了华盟所取得的各方面成就。 财务长魏文峰也向理事们汇报了联盟的财务工作。理事会高兴地看到华盟在成立的一年里在各方面取得的卓越成就,包括: 发展成有 600 多人的社团 (230 多注册会员帐户,其中大部分以家庭为单位注册); 在众多会员,民间人士和商家的支持下建立了强健的财务基础; 组织了包括“哈维”赈灾行动,Central Texas Food Bank,Salvation Army 为无家可归人士 服务新年晚餐等十几次社区服务活动并得到众多会员的积极响应; 分别在教育,会员社交,休闲娱乐等方面组织了一百多场次的各种活动, 其中包括广受 好评的 2018 年春节联欢晚会。 华盟成立以来的卓有成效的工作充分体现了“团结华人,服务社区,弘扬文化”的立会宗旨。理事会认为华盟一年来的成绩应该归功于众多会员和各界朋友的大力支持。华盟所有的工作和活动百分之百由包括所有理事在内的义工们提供无偿的支持。过去的一年里华盟共收到一百多位各界朋友的捐款。在2018年春节联欢晚会的筹备期间,一些商家主动联络华盟协商赞助意向并加盟成为商务会员。理事会再次向全体会员们和各界朋友们表示衷心的感谢。
奥斯汀华裔联盟欢迎您参加奥斯汀中国文化节。Austin Chinese Culture Festival (ACCF2020) Students from 11 high schools of the greater Austin area will showcase martial arts, Chinese calligraphy and water ink paintings. Local artists will perform traditional dances. There will be multiple fun games to play with prizes to win. Seventeen carefully selected Asian restaurants will have food for purchase. Participants will…
… This content is for 华盟会员(ACAN membership) members only.RegisterAlready a member? Log in here...
I remember it clearly one year ago exactly: first it was the cancellation of SXSW after a 33-year continuous run, then the NBA season was suspended, and the WHO declared COVID19 a global pandemic, and then my son came home from UT Austin – and never went back.
By Hugh Li Oct.2, 2018 When Austin Chinese American Network (ACAN) was founded on March 9, 2017, as a nonprofit organization, it set its mission as “Serve our community; Foster our heritage”. In the ensuing year and a half, as it rapidly grew from a handful of friends with common pursuits to an organization of…
By now, we are sure everyone is very much tuned in to the public health emergency that is engulfing China, and to a lesser degree, yet increasingly, the rest of the world. In the past couple of weeks, we have witnessed with a heavy heart a huge swath of Central China locked down, impacting tens of millions of people during what is traditionally the most festive and most intimate time of the year. From a distance of thousands of miles, we can still acutely feel the worries, the pains, and the desperations of our families, friends, and fellow countrymen across the ocean.
【邱朝欣撰稿】 奧斯汀华裔联盟于2018年2月24日召开了今年的第一次理事会全体会议。会议由会长赵俊达主持并作主旨发言。赵会长简要回顾了华盟成立一年以来的工作, 高度评价了华盟所取得的各方面成就。 财务长魏文峰也向理事们汇报了联盟的财务工作。理事会高兴地看到华盟在成立的一年里在各方面取得的卓越成就,包括: 发展成有 600 多人的社团 (230 多注册会员帐户,其中大部分以家庭为单位注册); 在众多会员,民间人士和商家的支持下建立了强健的财务基础; 组织了包括“哈维”赈灾行动,Central Texas Food Bank,Salvation Army 为无家可归人士 服务新年晚餐等十几次社区服务活动并得到众多会员的积极响应; 分别在教育,会员社交,休闲娱乐等方面组织了一百多场次的各种活动, 其中包括广受 好评的 2018 年春节联欢晚会。 华盟成立以来的卓有成效的工作充分体现了“团结华人,服务社区,弘扬文化”的立会宗旨。理事会认为华盟一年来的成绩应该归功于众多会员和各界朋友的大力支持。华盟所有的工作和活动百分之百由包括所有理事在内的义工们提供无偿的支持。过去的一年里华盟共收到一百多位各界朋友的捐款。在2018年春节联欢晚会的筹备期间,一些商家主动联络华盟协商赞助意向并加盟成为商务会员。理事会再次向全体会员们和各界朋友们表示衷心的感谢。
You can donate to Austin Chinese-American Network (ACAN), a 501(c)(3) organization, for greater Austin area COVID-19 relief effort, using any of the following methods to pay to ACAN.Chinese@gmail.com:
If your company matches donations to non-profits, please use the below information when submitting your request through your company’s systems: