Harvey Action Summary Report
Austin, Texas, August 18, 2017: The board of directors of the Austin Chinese-American Network held its second meeting on August 5, 2017. The meeting was hosted by the ACAN president, Mr. Peter Chao, and was attended by all board members. The board members reviewed a report by the ACAN secretary-general, Ms. Jean Shaw, on the…
[明清撰稿] 9月3日,一则由奥斯汀华裔联盟理事刘炜(Wei Liu)传递的休斯顿在”哈维”水灾后急需外援的信息和现场照片,顿时牵动了所有读者的心。华盟理事会会长赵俊达(Peter Chao),副会长张铭聪(Darda)和主任理事赵采姣立即策划,并第一时间与休斯顿大型华人自发自救义工团队Sunrise取得联系。 9月4日,通过奥斯汀华裔联盟理事会紧急会议,一场与时间赛跑的争夺战在奥斯汀华界全面布署和展开。理事会上,理事们分别查商店库存,列购物清单,安排当天购物和送货行程。当即就有两位理事各自捐出了千元大款,为即刻购物提供了启动资金。
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By Hugh Li Oct.2, 2018 When Austin Chinese American Network (ACAN) was founded on March 9, 2017, as a nonprofit organization, it set its mission as “Serve our community; Foster our heritage”. In the ensuing year and a half, as it rapidly grew from a handful of friends with common pursuits to an organization of…
Austin, TX, October 5, 2018: The Austin Chinese American Network (ACAN) held its second board meeting of 2018 on October 5. ACAN President Mr. Peter Chao and three Vice Presidents, Mr. Charles Qiu, Mr. Darda Chang, and Ms. Caijiao Zhao spoke at the meeting, respectively. As members of the leadership team, they emphasized the significance…