First ACAN Member Meeting Observation
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ACAN proudly announced that 35 applicants have been approved to receive the President’s Volunteering Service Award in 2023 for their contribution during the year of June 1st, 2022- May 31, 2023. Here is the list of the 35 award recipients. Congratulations to all of them!
AUSTIN, Texas — Austin Chinese-American Network (ACAN) Vice President Hugh Li said the organization has donated about 1,500 meals to homeless communities in the past two weeks. “Food is a huge part of our culture and it is also a way for us to show our love and our care to people around us – friends, neighbors,”…
[撰稿 涌波 春平; 摄影 华盟义工] 一年前,当华盟决定筹办2019奥斯汀首届中华文化节之后,理事会就开始了各种筹备工作。华盟根据 需要,设立了不同的小组,分别负责各项活动。风味小吃美食街,新春游园活动和中国特色礼品售卖是 其中三个重头戏。
[明清撰稿]元月下旬,2019 n-CoV病疫在武汉告急,沉浸在迎接中国新年喜悦中的奥斯汀地区华人都坐不住了。当即,武汉病情发展的消息占据了当地华人社团的大小网络,很多人着手联系向灾区捐款捐物事宜。 位于奥斯汀西北区的Canyon Creek 小区是华裔居民较为密集的社区。连日来,同胞们分别行动寻找到不少由美国将捐赠物资邮往国内的可能途径。目前,该小区在二位热心公益事业的华人志愿者主持下,集中统一了小区华人的这次行动。为了有效的支援重症灾区,他们正组织小区内华人集资购买更多的防护物资,并计划通过美国其他华人机构的巳开通渠道向国内运送援助物资。希望Canyon Creek的首批捐赠品会随下批美国通关货物尽快发往灾区。
撰稿: 一修 图片:肖宁,Linda 华盟于12月8日晚,在优雅别致,极富历史的德州大学(UT)高尔夫俱乐部举办了2019年度节日筹款宴会。这次盛会的主要目的一是庆祝华盟在2019年度取得的成就,二是提供会员和各界朋友们一次回馈社会,支持华盟继续在2020年度履行自己宗旨的机会。
You can donate to Austin Chinese-American Network (ACAN), a 501(c)(3) organization, for greater Austin area COVID-19 relief effort, using any of the following methods to pay to
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