Student Essay – By Gloria Wu

Student Essay – By Gloria Wu

Over the past two and a half years, I’ve had the privilege of leading Rise Together, a project dedicated to providing opportunities and experiences for local youth, as well as developing friendships between different communities. The children we work with have often come from difficult childhood backgrounds, such as living in poverty, dangerous neighborhoods, or…

Student Essay – By Vincent Cao

Student Essay – By Vincent Cao

Overall, my involvement in community activities this past year has been transformative. From assisting with ACAN events like the Turkey Trot water station and Christmas gift wrapping, to sharing my musical talents through Project Melody and serving as a volunteer at Teen Court hearings, I have witnessed the profound impact that individuals and organizations can…

Empowering Youth: Getting Involved, Starting Projects, and Funding Support

Empowering Youth: Getting Involved, Starting Projects, and Funding Support

Introduction: At the Austin Chinese-American Network (ACAN), our mission is clear: to serve our community and foster our heritage. We are dedicated to supporting our youth and encouraging them to actively participate in or initiate projects that align with our mission. In this blog, we’ll walk you through the various avenues available for ACAN Youth…

ACAN Approved 51 PVSA Applications in 2021-2022 School Year

ACAN Approved 51 PVSA Applications in 2021-2022 School Year

ACAN proudly announced that 51 applicants have been approved to receive the President’s Volunteering Service Award for the 2021-2022 school year (September 1st, 2021- August 31, 2022). Just in three short years, the number of award winners went from 34 in 2020, to 41 in 2021 and 51 in 2022! The total number of service…



总统服务奖和华盟之星奖是华盟管理的两个重要的奖项,为了鼓励我们的社区,尤其是青少年们可以更多发挥我们的能力,推动华盟“服务社区,传承文化”的使命。 为了更好地管理这两个奖项,同时简化申请流程,给我们的青少年提供更多更好的机会,华盟青少年和教育委员会通过讨论,决定做出如下的改变。 2022年评奖流程 总统服务奖和华盟之星的申请同时于9月1日开放,使用同一个申请表格。