ACAN 2021 Summer Youth Chinese Contests 奥斯汀华盟(2021 年夏季)青少年写作及朗诵比赛

一、参赛人员 本次比赛向所有ACAN 成员和非成员家庭的青少年开放。比赛 分为四个年龄组:幼儿组:3-6 岁;儿童组:7-10 岁;少年 组:11-14 岁;青少年组:14-18 岁。每个组内中写作及朗诵 各自设立奖项。 二、大赛主题  写作比赛: 参考中华文学经典名录,选择或自选一篇名家 名作,写一篇读后感,交电子文稿。  朗诵比赛: 参考以上名录,选择或自选一篇名家名作,全 文或节选一篇朗诵,限时1-3 分钟,视频交稿。 三、投稿要求请参照以下文档 tXVTLaVhyqj8ef7J/edit 四、比赛报名请扫描下侧条形码报名

ACAN Present Hugh Li’s statement to RRISD board of trustees

April 20, 2021 Hugh Li In the recent Round Rock ISD Board discussions about keeping students and staff safe against COVID-19, Board Trustee Dr. Xiao voiced his own position on mask wearing. While objections to his policy position are expected and normal, both within the Board, and among the concerned RRISD communities, we were horrified…

Winners of the “2020 Summer Youth Writing Contest” announced

In July 2020 ACAN announced its first Summer Youth Writing Contest (SYWC). It has finally come to a close. We received overwhelming responses. The many entries show amazing talents. It was very difficult to choose the winners. After much considerations we finally decided on a list of winners. Details please see SYWC Winners. (

Why should you become a BRAVE-Maker?

By Gloria Wu 奥斯汀华裔联盟 The following is a summary from the ACAN Youth Talk given by Emlyn Lee on May 29. Follow Emlyn Lee on Twitter @brave_atxJoin ACAN Youth on Discord to CONNECT, LEARN & SERVE ( 华盟公众号热烈欢迎家长和青少年投稿,中英文都可以。 If you couldn’t achieve something just because of your skin color, what would you do? Unfortunately, Emlyn Lee…

Austin Chinese-American Network partners with volunteers to donate meals to homeless during pandemic – on KVUE News

AUSTIN, Texas — Austin Chinese-American Network (ACAN) Vice President Hugh Li said the organization has donated about 1,500 meals to homeless communities in the past two weeks. “Food is a huge part of our culture and it is also a way for us to show our love and our care to people around us – friends, neighbors,”…


4/13 华盟志愿者Food Bank活动

报道:海舟 摄影:华盟义工 2019年4月13日,奥斯汀华裔联盟ACAN的60多位志愿者在理事刘炜和CJ的带领下,又一次来到德州食物仓库Central Texas Food Bank,进行义务劳动。这次参加的志愿者最小只有八岁,大多数是初、高中学生。经过近三个小时的紧张劳动,大家清理了数百箱罐头食品。堆成山的罐头被迅速清理分装到了纸箱里整齐打包装箱,像变魔术一样被大家清理干净。

2019 Austin Chinese Culture Festival – Evening Show Review

By Sherry Feb 16th, 2019 is a day to remember for many here in town for one reason: the Austin Chinese Culture Festival made its debut after almost a year-long preparation. It was the biggest Lunar New Year celebration event in Austin among all the others. The guests enjoyed Chinese cuisine, cultural exhibitions, performances and…