
【撰稿 洞庭坐观, 摄影 肖宁】7 月 28 日周六傍晚,盛夏的奥斯汀依旧是骄阳似火,热浪滚滚。伴随着此起彼伏的掌声和欢呼声,位于 Pfugerville 的社区活动中心此时更是热浪高涨,阵阵袭人。当晚奥斯汀华盟艺术团(华艺)顾不上天气炎热,在这里举办了一台小型唱歌表演竞赛晚会。几十名华艺粉丝团成员及其朋友正在这里度过一个热情洋溢的夏夜。

Upcoming ACAN Mid-Autumn Performance Show

Dear friends, since the Shang Dynasty (c.1600-1046 BCE), Chinese people have celebrated the harvest during the autumn full moon. The tradition of mid-autumn celebration originally began with worshiping mountain deities after the harvest was completed. The celebration gained popularity during the Tang dynasty (618 – 907 CE). The legend of Chang’e, also known as the…