April 2020 Treasure Report
[embeddoc url=”https://www.AustinChineseAmericanNetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/April-Treasurer-Report.pdf” download=”all”]...
[embeddoc url=”https://www.AustinChineseAmericanNetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/April-Treasurer-Report.pdf” download=”all”]...
各位会员,各位朋友: 奥斯汀华裔联盟于9月4日发起的支援休斯敦居民清理被淹房屋防止次生破坏的专项行动已取得圆满成功。华盟理事会再次向所有踊跃支持这项行动的捐款人和义工朋友致以诚挚的感谢! 本着财务透明的原则,理事会在此就这次赈灾专项行动的捐款及使用情况向大家作个报告。必须说明的是,可能还有少数未知也未收到的捐款(比如通过公司且未通知华盟)。我们将会在明年初的年度财务报告中提供最终统计。另外,赈灾专项以外的其它收支(如自华盟成立以来的非赈灾专项捐款以及其它活动支出)也会在明年初的华盟年度财务报告中提供。 关于华盟发起的哈维飓风赈灾专项行动: 1) 已经收到和确认会收到的专项捐款总额为:$10,280。 2) 华盟赈灾总支出为:$9,466.86;其中 $9,390.58 为购买各类灾区所需物品的开支;$76.28 为义工运输路上的汽油和用餐开支(大多数义工没有报销)。 3) 华盟所购买的各类灾区所需物品情况: a. 约 160 台各类大功率电扇,排气扇; b. 约 140 各类拆墙所需工具,如:drywall saw, pry bar, hammer,等; c. 约 80 罐各类清洁药水,以漂白水为主; d. 约 300 橡胶,布,皮手套; e. 约 300 N95 口罩; f. 以及其它物品,如湿度测量仪,吸湿机,等。 4) 华盟根据各个义工组织的具体需求,分别向休斯敦地区六个义工组织的七个中转站运送分发了以上物品。它们包括:…
撰稿人:Angela Qian,邝小平 摄影:Katharine Zhu 11月23号感恩节之前的周末,Austin当天秋高气爽, 华盟的义工们五点钟就来到了Travis County Community center, 为华盟教育委员会这个月的parenting meeting and potluck布置场地。本次活动有近四十个家庭,120 大人孩子参加。
Austin, Texas, June 1, 2017: 奧斯汀华裔联盟增选魏文峰女士(Wendy Wei)为 华盟理事会成员 (提请下次会员大会追认)并出任华盟财务长。
By Gloria Wu 奥斯汀华裔联盟 The following is a summary from the ACAN Youth Talk given by Emlyn Lee on May 29. Follow Emlyn Lee on Twitter @brave_atxJoin ACAN Youth on Discord to CONNECT, LEARN & SERVE (https://discord.gg/9VTSe7q) 华盟公众号热烈欢迎家长和青少年投稿,中英文都可以。 If you couldn’t achieve something just because of your skin color, what would you do? Unfortunately, Emlyn Lee…
By now, we are sure everyone is very much tuned in to the public health emergency that is engulfing China, and to a lesser degree, yet increasingly, the rest of the world. In the past couple of weeks, we have witnessed with a heavy heart a huge swath of Central China locked down, impacting tens of millions of people during what is traditionally the most festive and most intimate time of the year. From a distance of thousands of miles, we can still acutely feel the worries, the pains, and the desperations of our families, friends, and fellow countrymen across the ocean.