(Kelvin Wang, 2021) If you don’t know my name is Kelvin. I’m going into 11th grade this year. Over the summer I worked on making a photography club in Acan. I wanted to share with other people my love for photography, and by doing so by giving them opportunities to learn from experts, and give them the opportunity to constantly practice day by day, through daily photo commitment.
And so I definitely learned a lot over this 3 months experience, and it taught me some skills that I’m still trying to improve on, the first thing I realize though this photography club, is leadership is a sacrifice, you’re sacrificing your comfort, safety, you’re sacrificing what is easy to do to put yourself out there to lead with purpose for an initiative you care about.
Starting off I think I was really hesitant about whether people would be interested in this club, and would they actually go to my classes, there is that self-doubt, would was I doing actually be successful? And so there’s definitely this discomfort in the beginning in order to pursue what I wanted, And I think I a way leadership is also a sacrifice because you initiate the work that others want. People are interested in improving their photography in getting honest critiques in their photos, and so to appeal to the audience, I created this club.
That leads me to my next point in that leadership is ultimately a service, where your serving your participants, or you’re serving those in your team, because If you just keep on pursuing what you want, without really thinking what the people you’re in charge with want, then they leave. They don’t want to be with someone who doesn’t listen to them and doesn’t care about what they’re thinking. I definitely made changes to the photography class to fit more with what people wanted, rather than focusing on the technical aspects of photography, I asked the teacher to shift it more to a broader range of composition, of sharing the passion of being able to capture a unique moment, rather than focusing on the fancy math and controls.
As a reflection over this summer with the photography club and the other ACAN clubs I participate in, is that Leadership is a constantly evolving skill that you constantly practice, you constantly have to be vulnerable, and do stuff that doesn’t sound solidify, that may not come access clearly, but it’s that constant effort, that constant striving to work where you want to go, such as improving your skills as a leader. You know once again I really appreciate ACAN, I appreciate all the adults who make it possible for me to do what I love in a way that serves my community.
Go to the link: https://flic.kr/go/3foYbh
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