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May 2021 Treasure Report
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【邱朝欣撰稿】五月是每年的亚太文化传统月(Asian Pacific American Heritage Month)。五月十二日,奥斯汀华裔联盟为宏扬中华文化奉献了多场精彩的展示。接近市中心的 Palm Park, 奥城亚裔活动中心 (AARC), Pflugerville Community Center, Westwood High School, 到处都活跃着华盟理事和义工们的身影。他们以灿烂的笑容,自信的姿态向人们展现渊源流长的中华文化之精髓,向人们宣传华盟的宗旨。
Student Essay – By Benjamin Li
Volunteering is a powerful act of selflessness that has the potential to not only impact the lives of those being helped but also to profoundly change the perspective and values of the volunteer. Over the past year, I had the privilege of participating in several new unique volunteering experiences that left an indelible mark on…
【撰稿 洞庭坐观, 摄影 肖宁】7 月 28 日周六傍晚,盛夏的奥斯汀依旧是骄阳似火,热浪滚滚。伴随着此起彼伏的掌声和欢呼声,位于 Pfugerville 的社区活动中心此时更是热浪高涨,阵阵袭人。当晚奥斯汀华盟艺术团(华艺)顾不上天气炎热,在这里举办了一台小型唱歌表演竞赛晚会。几十名华艺粉丝团成员及其朋友正在这里度过一个热情洋溢的夏夜。
Upcoming ACAN Mid-Autumn Performance Show
Dear friends, since the Shang Dynasty (c.1600-1046 BCE), Chinese people have celebrated the harvest during the autumn full moon. The tradition of mid-autumn celebration originally began with worshiping mountain deities after the harvest was completed. The celebration gained popularity during the Tang dynasty (618 – 907 CE). The legend of Chang’e, also known as the…
20th Annual Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Cultural Month
On May 1st, proudly representing Austin Chinese-American Network (ACAN) the Performing Arts Group (PAG) helped kick off the celebration of Asian American Heritage Month organized by Asian-American Employee Network (AAEN) at the City of Austin.